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Is the HP EX900 m.2 SSD can be used with the HP Z240 m.2 slot ?




HP Recommended

if you would take the time to READ THE Z440 MANUAL OR QUICKSPECS,






you will find that it does not have a onboard m.2 "NVME" socket, you need to use a add-in m.2 pci-e card 

i personally recommend a name brand card that supports the 224/2260/2280 size formats


the z240 however does have a custom m.2 card slot/heatsink as such it will support 2280 sized ssd's


he 3 HP option part numbers that are made to go into the dedicated on-motherboard M.2 socket are:

HP Z Turbo Drive G2 256GB PCIe SSD (Z240 MB) **     T6U42AA
HP Z Turbo Drive G2 512GB PCIe SSD (Z240 MB) **     T6U43AA
HP Z Turbo Drive G2  1TB  PCIe  SSD  (Z240 MB) **      W6C19AA

** Installed in native M.2 slot on Z240 motherboard


now read the HP EX900 specs, and you will have your answer........................................

HP Recommended


Thanks for the answer, but if you check here https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04892038#AbT7 and here http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c04897695 it stated there is m.2 slot in the HP Z240 mother board. and the HP EX900 spec stated that it interfaces is using PCIe Gen 3(8Gb/s) x 4, NVMe 1.3.. I'm just wondering if the HP Ex900 can be used in the Z240 PC.

Anyway thanks for the answer

HP Recommended

it appears you did not FULLY read my reply, i covered the z440 AND THE Z240


go back and reread......................................the z240 will work and boot with nvme ssd's as i pointed out

HP Recommended

Ok...thanks for the clarification... tqvm




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