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Pro No. K5H31AA#ABA
Turned on my all in one computer to watch Netflix, it had just done an update. It turned on fine, no issues, went to go make coffee and came back and it was off. No blinking lights, just completely dead and unresponsive when I hit the power button at the top.

I know of no other way to reset it, tried unplugging it from the wall and plugging it into a different wall circuit. The power isn't out though. Please help
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Was there any burning smell, when you first returned to your computer?


Some computers have a small lamp that is lit whenever electrical power is available to the computer.

Does yours? Is the lamp lit?


Disconnect the AC power, and hold-down the ON/OFF button for 30 seconds.


Reconnect the AC power. Look through the air-vents on the computer's case, to see if you can see any fan-blades.

If you can see them, watch them, and touch the ON/OFF button.

Did the fan "twitch" at all, to indicate that the power-supply produced a brief "spike" of power?


It's probably time to carry your computer to a qualified computer technician, for trouble-shooting.


My first guess: failure of your power-supply.

Alternates: failure of motherboard; failure of CPU; failure of ON/OFF switch.


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