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I'm having problems with a HDX6000 (v3.1.6) not being able to receive content from a Cisco TPS v4.1.19 bridge (the screen layout changes as it prepares to display the content but the screen remains black). Sending content works fine. Content does work fine however between the HDX6k and TPS v4.0.


I've found the following:

- content sharing works fine in both directions between an HDX7000/8000 on the same HDX software version (3.1.6) with the Cisco TPS v4.1.19 bridge

- I can see the content being sent by the TPS to the HDX6000 in a packet capture and the HDX6k indicates in the logs that it is receiving the media stream but is unable to decode it for some reason.


A snippet from the HDX6k logs are below:


tingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 1 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:38 DEBUG avc: tm[1]: Audio: audio sets the speaker to 0
2015-03-11 02:37:38 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ChainCtrl[0].ContentDec1[0]: Received a fast update request w/ type 2
2015-03-11 02:37:38 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ContDecBitStream1[0].cd01[0]: VideoBitStreamDecFastUpdateCallback: from ContentDec1[0]
2015-03-11 02:37:38 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: Received SPS and PPS NAL Units
2015-03-11 02:37:38 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:38 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD ProcessVideo: errCode: 0x40000003 errType: 0x1002 picType 0x1
2015-03-11 02:37:38 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Decodevideo failed after 1029 bit stream packets
2015-03-11 02:37:38 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Ignored a fast update req for kDecodeVideoFailure w/ interval 618ms bWaitingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 0 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:38 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Stop: Done. EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:38 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Start: EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:39 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: SIPConn[1]: instance 0, NOT setting tx delay in AudEnc[0] by -21 mS for lip sync (audio latency 241mS, video latency 170mS)
2015-03-11 02:37:39 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: NULL_MODULE: instance %d gCommConfig.maxConns %d || pConn == NULL  : instance 1 gCommConfig.maxConns 2 || pConn == NULL 
2015-03-11 02:37:39 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [S4ac4: 20000 connection info 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:39 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [S4ace: 20000 connection info 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:39 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPTxChan[4]: (AudioTx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPTxChan[5]: (VidPeopleTx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPTxChan[7]: (FECCTx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPRxChan[1]: (FECCRx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPTxChan[6]: (VidContentTx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:40 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ChainCtrl[0].ContentDec1[0]: Received a fast update request w/ type 2
2015-03-11 02:37:40 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ContDecBitStream1[0].cd01[0]: VideoBitStreamDecFastUpdateCallback: from ContentDec1[0]
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Fast update req for kCodecNeedsFastUpdate w/ bThrottle TRUE timeStamp 719265392=>719267672 bWaitingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 1 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: Received SPS and PPS NAL Units
2015-03-11 02:37:40 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD ProcessVideo: errCode: 0x40000003 errType: 0x1002 picType 0x1
2015-03-11 02:37:40 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Decodevideo failed after 1077 bit stream packets
2015-03-11 02:37:40 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Ignored a fast update req for kDecodeVideoFailure w/ interval 428ms bWaitingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 0 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:41 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Stop: Done. EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:41 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Start: EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:41 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPRxChan[7]: (AudioRx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:41 INFO avc: pc[0]: RTPRxChan[6]: (VidPeopleRx) sending RTP Keep Alive with incorrect RTP version
2015-03-11 02:37:41 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [S4ad8: 20000 connection info 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Total bytes sent 16 addrlen=16 sin_port=50582 sin_family=2
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Continuous retransmit value 30000
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Total bytes received 48 addrlen=16 sin_port=50582 sin_family=2
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: SIP Parse BFCP HelloAck
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: BFCP Message received is HelloAck
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: 
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP:        Invalid FloorRequest FloorRequest FloorRelease FloorRequestQuery FloorRequestStatus UserQuery UserStatus UserStatus FloorQuery FloorQuery FloorStatus
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP:  
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP:        Beneficiary-ID Floor-ID Floor-Request-Id Priority Request-Status Error-Code Error-Info Participant-Provided-Info Status-Info Supported-Attributes Supported-Primitives User-Display-Name User-URI Beneficiary-Information Floor-Request-Information Requested-By-Information Floor-Request-Status Overall-Request-Status
2015-03-11 02:37:42 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: BFCP Hello Ack received
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Attempting to stop timer associated with label 1
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Trying to schedule BFCP Hello message
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: pc[0]: BFCP: Continuous retransmit value 30000
2015-03-11 02:37:42 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [S4ae2: 20000 connection info 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:42 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:42 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Fast update req for kCodecNeedsFastUpdate w/ bThrottle TRUE timeStamp 719267672=>719269800 bWaitingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 1 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:43 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ChainCtrl[0].ContentDec1[0]: Received a fast update request w/ type 2
2015-03-11 02:37:43 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ContDecBitStream1[0].cd01[0]: VideoBitStreamDecFastUpdateCallback: from ContentDec1[0]
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: Received SPS and PPS NAL Units
2015-03-11 02:37:43 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:43 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ChainCtrl[0].ContentDec1[0]: Received a fast update request w/ type 2
2015-03-11 02:37:43 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: ContDecBitStream1[0].cd01[0]: VideoBitStreamDecFastUpdateCallback: from ContentDec1[0]
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD ProcessVideo: errCode: 0x40000003 errType: 0x1002 picType 0x1
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Decodevideo failed after 1114 bit stream packets
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: Fast update req for kDecodeVideoFailure w/ bThrottle TRUE timeStamp 719269800=>719270565 bWaitingFUR 1 ignoredFURs 0 numCodedFrames 0
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Stop: Done. EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:43 INFO avc: hd[2]: DSP: TXNVD_Start: EMR:0x00000000, ESR:0x00000000, IPR:0x00000001
2015-03-11 02:37:44 DEBUG avc: hd[2]: H26xDecoder[1]: GetProfileIdc: unsupported profile unknown
2015-03-11 02:37:46 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [S4aec: 20000 connection info 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:49 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: uimsg: [A4af6: 20000 hangup 37]
2015-03-11 02:37:49 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: appcom: NC_COMMAND_STR, MsgSendCmd returns 0
2015-03-11 02:37:49 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: COMM: Hanging up connection SIPConn[1] cause code 16
2015-03-11 02:37:49 DEBUG avc: pc[0]: SIPConn[1]: hangup, cause code 16



Any help greatly appeciated.




HP Recommended

Have you cheked release note of both system versions?can they talk to each other?


Is there any changes done in your network in recent time?


Is this VC call at same location endpoint or between diffrent sites?




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