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Buongiorno a tutta la comunità, ho un problema di stampa a colori con la mia stampante laser Samsung Clx-4195FN che ha sempre funzionato bene.
Dopo un periodo di fermo di circa un anno, alla riaccensione ha segnalato diversi errori tra cui 1-4111 e 1-4112 e inceppamento carta, che ho risolto ripristinando gli spessori in feltro dei tre noti solenoidi usati dalla Samsung.
Purtroppo la stampante lavora bene solo in Bianco e nero, mentre a colori stampa immagini a chiazze di colore orizzontali più o meno marcate, come esempio allego la stampa della pagina di prova della Samsung.
Preciso che ho sostituito i toner, ed il contenitore di recupero toner che era pieno.
Infine ho smontato e pulito la transfer belt unit che era piena di toner di colori vari.
Nonostante tutto questo lavoro, il risultato della stampa non è cambiato.
Qualcuno ha idea di cos'altro guardare? Grazie


Good morning to the whole community, I have a color printing problem with my Samsung Clx-4195FN laser printer that has always worked well.
After a period of inactivity of about a year, when I turned it back on it reported several errors including 1-4111 and 1-4112 and paper jam, which I solved by restoring the felt thicknesses of the three well-known solenoids used by Samsung.
Unfortunately the printer only works well in black and white, while in color it prints images with more or less marked horizontal color spots, as an example I attach the printout of the Samsung test page.
I specify that I replaced the toners, and the toner recovery container which was full.
Finally I disassembled and cleaned the transfer belt unit which was full of toners of various colors.
Despite all this work, the print result has not changed.
Does anyone have any idea what else to look at? Thanks


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Just copy and paste the Jpeg right into your message directly or click on the camera icon in the tool bar and browse to the file. Keep in mind that max file size is 5MB.




If you find the information provided useful or solves your problems, help other users find the solution easier by marking my post as an accepted solution. Clicking "yes" on "was this reply helpful" also increases the chances that this solution will help others.
I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

Buongiorno, qualcuno sa dirmi come allegare i file nel messaggio, grazie

Hello, can anyone tell me how to attach files in the message, thanks

HP Recommended

Hello, can anyone tell me how to attach files in the message, thanks

HP Recommended

Just copy and paste the Jpeg right into your message directly or click on the camera icon in the tool bar and browse to the file. Keep in mind that max file size is 5MB.




If you find the information provided useful or solves your problems, help other users find the solution easier by marking my post as an accepted solution. Clicking "yes" on "was this reply helpful" also increases the chances that this solution will help others.
I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

HP Recommended



HP Recommended

Repairatrooper, le foto sono in ordine dalla 1 la peggiore alla 3 la migliore, spero di aver allegato le foto in modo corretto.



Repairatrooper, the photos are in order from 1st worst to 3rd best, I hope I attached the photos correctly.


HP Recommended

You state in your first post that you disassembled the tranfer belt. If you physically dismantled it then my guess is that you did not reinstall the secondary transfer rollers properly. These belts were never designed to be taken apart once assembled. It appears that you are not getting consistent transfer. To isolate, start the print job and interrupt once the paper has travelled a very short distance. You want to reach a stage where you can examine the imaging drums to ensure that the image is properly written there. If the image on drums look good then you definitely have an issue with the transfer process. If the image on the drums is bad then you may have an issue with the High Voltage Power Supply.

If you find the information provided useful or solves your problems, help other users find the solution easier by marking my post as an accepted solution. Clicking "yes" on "was this reply helpful" also increases the chances that this solution will help others.
I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

HP Recommended

pagina di prova3.jpgpagina di prova1.jpgpagina di prova2.jpg

HP Recommended

Buonasera Repairatrooper, non ho disassemblato niente, mi sono limitato a estrarre la cinghia di trasmissione dalla stampante e smontato il rullo di trascinamento per svuotarlo del toner che conteneva.
Dopo aver pulito il tutto e la striscia trasportatice con alcol isopropanol, ho rimontato il rullo e con qualche difficoltà ho reinserito la cinghia nella stampante, non ho toccato i rulli di trasferimento secondari. D'altronde anche dopo la pulizia le stampe sono uguali a prima, a volte con striature di colore altre volte i disegni hanno aree non colorate, ora mi accorgo che anche le stampe in bianco e nero sono sbiadite e con zone vuote, con lettere piu o meno evidenti.
Scusami ma non ho capito come fare la prova che mi consigli, quali sono i tamburi di imaging? Forse quelli dei 4 toner a colori? Quindi dopo aver fermato la stampa, come? Devo estrarre i toner per verificare che sui tamburi ci sia l'immagine scritta correttamente?
Un'altra cosa che non ho capito e dove si trova il gruppo fusore e come controllarlo? Grazie per la tua disponibilità e pazienza.


Good evening Repairatrooper, I didn't disassemble anything, I just removed the drive belt from the printer and disassembled the drive roller to empty it of the toner it contained.
After cleaning everything and the transport strip with isopropanol alcohol, I reassembled the roller and with some difficulty I reinserted the belt into the printer, I didn't touch the secondary transfer rollers. On the other hand, even after cleaning the prints are the same as before, sometimes with streaks of color other times the drawings have non-colored areas, now I notice that even the black and white prints are faded and with empty areas, with more or less evident letters.
Sorry but I don't understand how to do the test you recommend, which are the imaging drums? Maybe those of the 4 color toners? So after stopping the print, how? Do I have to remove the toners to check that the image is written correctly on the drums?
Another thing I didn't understand is where is the fuser assembly and how to control it? Thanks for your time and patience.

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