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Jeff/ Qi,


Can you please look into this Private Message I got from Euroside? http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/181966




Hi SiobhanF,


I had written Cheryl, though initialy she thought

you may be a good person to ask about this.


This is an outline with what occurred with HP Home and Home Office Store, (HPHHOS)


Items I ordered, ink and laptop speakers, I did choosing 5-7 business day
delivery.  They were delivered in 2 days on a Saturday, I was not home, that is
why I chose that delivery time.  I needed them delivered around a week later.
There were two packages, and since the audio was not available at an HP facility,
it was dropped shipped from a distributor warehouse. 
The drop ship item required an indirect signature in the event I was not home.
The indirect signature requirement was not identified during the ordering
process nor in the conformation emails.
The packages were delivered to an undesirable neighbor, one that I've
never spoken with, and without going into details, since those neighbors 
moved in, its been a nightmare.
FedEx got the packages back, but now this neighbor knows my name
which I had been trying to keep private by maintaining my anonymity,
at least up until then.
I wrote HP executive case management and they deferred me to HPHHOS being
that it was their responsibility to maintain their own customer service dept.
FedEx researched the indirect signature stating it was Ingram Micro that required
the signature.  I spoke with Ingram Micro and they explained that they use a FedEx
shipping account number that is provided and set up by HPHHOS.  Ingram Micro has
nothing to do with whether or not a signature is required.  They just ship against HP's
FedEx account# that they provide.
Ingram Micro verified by cross checking my tracking number that the correct account#
was used to ship my item.
HPHHOS customer service has maintained from the start that it was the fault of FedEx,
and has done so throughout several email exchanges.  However when I provided the
information that FedEx uncovered that the indirect signature was generated from the
warehouse, HPHHOS changed their tune and began implicating the warehouse as being
at fault. This was 3 weeks after communicating to them in great detail what happened.
I wrote HPHHOS explaining that I spoke with Ingram Micro, they have not written me back.
HPHHOS sent me a $10 coupon code with their apologies still maintaining the error to be
on FedEx, even one of the HPHHOS customer service managers named Geo said, "FedEx
is just trying to wash their hands of this."  They just wanted me to go away, but I care about
how the system works and do not want this to happen to others.
HPHHOS has not been honest with me about what or why these things happened.  They said
they were being investigated, yet kept insisting it was a FedEx error.
Since I was deferred to HPHHOS twice by HP executive case management, and HPHHOS
is not being very forthcoming, I am not sure who to try to get in touch with.  I would have liked
HPHHOS to admit to the mistakes and offer up plans to make improvements to the ordering &
shipping system. My goal was to bring some issues to light and to inform those in a position of
decision making to take this opportunity to make those improvements.  There are several ideas
that would greatly help.
A business is only as good as the people behind the machine that make it run.  
Please give me your thoughts either way.  Thank you,

I worked for HP.
HP Recommended

08/29/11 - Jeff reached out to customer

Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for Hewlett-Packard.
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