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Thanks for the info. 


But don't understand last para.  How does one "change the product key" and how does one change it?

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I thought I was given an option to change the product key in XP. I know you can in Vista or W7.


Anyway, if you need to activate windows, I think you go ahead and try to activate, then it fails, and you then get the option to change the product key, or you can read this article to do it a different way.


You do not need to reinstall the OS. You would only need to change the product key and only if Windows tells you it has to be activated.







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Thanks Paul,


Didn't realize it was just a Regedit function - piece of cake.

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 I changed the Motherboard. I need to change the change the product key too? Great. How am I going to do that without a graphic display? I cant put the original board back in because 2 connectors refused to disengage. and the box has disappeared, like the graphics have. I think it is the updates that mucked up my computer. windows vist home premium does not give a safe mode option in the boot menu. Do you have a suggestion?

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Do you even think that the pc is booting?
You don't need to change product key as long as the pc isn't booting correctly (and even then - you can run Windows without activation).
You problem still seems to be a hardware one - do you know that the new mobo is working?
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My recovery disc's would not work with a new motherboard. I had to reinstall the original and run the first disc. I was able to get to the advanced menu and roll back three months to find a good restore point. The entire problem was a security update.

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