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Need help !

been getting this message, however the windows will not start. Was able to get to BIOS and run hart drive test which showed fail - #1-07fail

the sytem key are not responnding: escape and almost all F key

when in BIOS was able to use only enter.


Need help what to do just want to go back to windows to back up thing from hard drive

HP Recommended

Your hard Drive has gone bad. This is bad news for your data.

However, there is a way to get the data back.

SInce your PC wont load windows anymore, the task becomes somewhat difficult.


Please go through the tutorual from the link below to get your data back.

Remember, if your hard Drive is faulty beyond repair, chances are that you may not be able to get back any data off it.


You also need another PC, internet and a Flash Drive to proceed with the following step.



I'm an HP Employee.The opinions expressed here are my personal opinions, not of HP.
Click on Thumbs up if my post helped you.Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking an answerAccept as Solutionif it solves your problem.

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this link is for windows 7 will it also work with Windows Vista?


HP Recommended

one more question


on other forum ive read that windows recovery cd might help. what do you think about it?


HP Recommended


I just had this issue recently and I connect the HDD as a secondary storage to another machine got formatted then put it back as master and used the recovery disk that comes with my HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC and installed the win 7 Pro and it works fine now . But the 1720 smart hard drive thing still showing when bootup the machine . let's hope that this HDD will be good for 2 good years .




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I made an account on here just to say a huge thank you to this user: redlofredlof . The HP employee who's above advice on using peppermint on a broken/dead hard drive, allowed me to recover ALL of my important documents that I had on there and thought was forever lost and unrecoverable after spending days on trying to find solutions after I received the windows 'blue screen of death'. So thanks again redlofredlof, and sorry to say HP and Microsoft, but I  am now converting over to APPLE! :generic:

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