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Today (15th) my computer stopped charging. Well, it's charging but won't go up past 55% won't go lower than 55%.


I don't understand how this happened or how to fix it. I'm scared to let my computer die and then not have it turn back on.


Product Name: HP Pavilion dv6-3019wm Entertainment Notebook PC

Product Number: wq684ua 

Windows 7 64 bit




Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

I was able to fix it by doing these steps.


Device Manage -> Batteries - Uninstalled Microsoft ACPI-Complient Control Method Battery -> Removed my battery from my laptop - waited about a minute -> put it back in and scanned fo hardware changes. 



Computer is now charging!

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

Use HP Support Assistant to check the status of the battery, post back what it shows.



HP Recommended

The Battery health is the indicator of how well the multiple cells for the battery are charging and discharging. A Good Status indicates the battery is functioning properly.


Good I guess lol.

HP Recommended

I was able to fix it by doing these steps.


Device Manage -> Batteries - Uninstalled Microsoft ACPI-Complient Control Method Battery -> Removed my battery from my laptop - waited about a minute -> put it back in and scanned fo hardware changes. 



Computer is now charging!

HP Recommended

I have tried something similar...not working.  I know, stupid question, but how do you scan for hardware changes?

HP Recommended

My battery is "ok".  The computer says it is charging but it is not.  I got my machine less than 2 weeks ago, and the battery life continues to go down...it is now at 9%.  This is not "ok".

HP Recommended

Right click (in device manager) and click Scan for hardware changes

HP Recommended

I attemped this fix and i didn't work for me.  My battery is installed, the computer knows by saying


0% available (plugged in, not charging).


Some things I noticed, when I install the battery, the charge bars run for about 10 seconds then stop.  Won't charge when computer is off.  This just stared all of a sudden.  Battery was working good, then poof.  Computer is an Dv7

HP Recommended

There are multiple solutions proposed, and here are the steps that fixed it for me:

  1. Disconnect AC
  2. Shutdown
  3. Remove battery
  4. Connect AC
  5. Startup
  6. Under the Batteries category, right-click all of the ACPI Compliant Control Method Batterylistings, and select Uninstall (it’s ok if you only have 1).
  7. Shutdown
  8. Disconnect AC
  9. Insert battery
  10. Connect AC
  11. Startup

And I use this hp Pavilion dv6-3019wm Battery for fix it.

HP Recommended

It worked for me! Thanks Brandnewbattery!

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