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HP Recommended

and it still won't connect over 65mbps X(



"There's no such thing as a fool proof system. Someone will make a better fool tomorrow."
HP Recommended

HP Pavilion g6-1c70ca Notebook PC 


This the notebook I have,  it only states US for wireless currently  I am getting 54mb, the driver version


The model number is 4313GN


Checking on the driver site this driver you are mentioning is not listed as a driver download, so  should I install this one that is being suggested.




HP Recommended

No answer as of yet the experts or so called are in hiding


I will go to broadcom sites to dig up some more information


HP Recommended



The driver posted on this thread will work for any Broadcom card listed in any notebook, including those from other manufacturers.


1. You need a wireless N router to get more than 54 MB/S out of the card.


2. If you do have a wireless N router, I would check to make sure your router has the proper security settings enabled.  In order to get more than 54 MB/S out of the card, your security level MUST be set to WPA/WPA2 - AES.


Security set to WEP or WPA/WPA2 TKIP will only yield 54 MB/S connection speeds.



HP Recommended

Sorry about that, yes your right if the wireless router was set to N then you would get  those speeds,



HP Recommended

Whereas the BCM4313 is seriously limited by its single stream design. No matter driver, router and other such what not, the BCM4313 will never exhibit speeds beyond 65-72 Mbps.

HP Recommended

@ revelations:


You're very welcome.


@ 6360b-user:


You are absolutely correct.


I've never gotten any N150 card to go better than 72 MBPS.


That might be due to the fact that I have my router broadcasting on the 2.4 GHz band set to mixed mode, since I have some wireless G devices connected.


I never tried changing the setting to N only, to see what happens.



HP Recommended

I was searching the wireless card has one setting just for the good old USA  (better be nice 🙂 )


Now I am Europe, but I always believed  if your device is working fine then do not bother updating the drivers, one thing HP Support Assistant is a fantastic tool that searches for drivers and bios updates, it does not have this  this latest driver update.



HP Recommended



I agree wholeheartedly with you. If you are not having any issues with the device, then a driver update is not necessary.


However, sometimes a driver update will improve functionality or add new settings or features previously not available (I always read the release notes before installing updated drivers).


On the flip side, sometimes a driver update makes things worse. You never know.


I too, like the HP Support Assistant.


However I do not like its default setting of "automatically download and install updates."


That program has downloaded and installed BIOS updates while people were working on their PC's, only to have some nasty things happen to them.


First of all, a BIOS update is a tricky thing that has to be done under the most controlled circumstances, such as having the antivirus program turned off, have as few applications running as possible, and having nothing connected to the PC, except the keyboard, mouse, monitor and A/C power cord (desktop PC).


When updating the BIOS on a notebook, it is strongly, if not absolutely recommended, that both the battery be connected and the A/C adapter be plugged in, and nothing else.


I perform BIOS updates in Windows Safe Mode so as to absolutely limit the amount of running processes.


Accordingly, my recommendation is to make sure the HP Support Assistant's setting is set to notify that downloads are available, and let you choose which ones to install.


However, you cannot rely on that program to be providing you with the lastest driver updates under all circumstances.



HP Recommended

Don't replace to Intel. Keep the Broadcom.  They all have the same issue. I have this Intel Centrino BGN 1000 on my DV7-4295US laptop. It does not work past 54 kbs. I thought it is a card issue and replaced it under warranty. same thing. With a Netgear 300 USB card (external) I get 300 kbs but not with built in one. I assume the issue is not being able to run at 5.2 GHz but only at 2.4 GHz. The netgear runs at 5.2 GHz and it achieves 300 kbs.

I believe this is a design limitation and not a fault of the wifi card.

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