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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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My Pvailion DV6 is less than a year old, and in the last month I've noticed the fan getting really loud when the computer isn't doing much of anything - usually just browsing the internet.  I have installed Speedfan which informed me that the core temp was 89 degrees, which has now dropped to 77 degrees... however this is way high, as my old Dell laptop used to shut itself down at 76 degrees and refuse to reboot until it had cooled down.


This appears to be a common problem with this type of laptop.  Any ideas on how I can fix it?  Most of the "fixes" I've found online are illegibly written :Crying:

HP Recommended
HP Recommended

Hi there.  Thanks for the advice.  Unfortunately this only helped things for about an hour before the temperature went back to 80+ degrees.  It's idling at about 57-67 degrees but peaks in the 80s.


Any other ideas?

HP Recommended

Dv6 series is prone to overheating and eventual grahics failure if it has the Nvidia chip.





They can be repaired for a very reasonable price by this company.




HP Recommended

I don't think the new Dv6 models come with the bad Nvidia cards, I believe they use the Ati series. At any rate, they are prone to overheating, as mine is doing. I will be sending it in shortly. Since you said you've had it less than a year, I would send it in for warranty repair. Those temps are too high for just casual usage.

HP Recommended

Some refer to the dv6000 as dv6, just covering the possibilities, thanks julianja.


a_gal please post your full model number, thanks.

HP Recommended

No problem, I assumed he meant the new Dv6 with the Ati 5650.


If his laptop is the 6000 series with the bad Nvidia cards, not all hope is lost. A recent class-action lawsuit was recently won, he should be able to get it repaired or replaced with a new laptop.


More can be found at the following links:






Edit: D'oh, I realized after posting that you posted the same settlement link as me.

HP Recommended

i had same laptop i had droped in bin and got new apple mac it doesnt have any problem

all wndow base computers arent that good now tachnology is very old

over and above hp is very basic and chip brand theire want that theire customer spend more money on parts and they make profit out of that

HP Recommended
same with me i dont trust hp anymore
HP Recommended

hey guys. HP is a **bleep** bad pc. I hate it bcoz all the games i play end up after 2- 5 min because of overheating. i can't play anything. Classified as worst laptop in the world.. tell your friends not to lose money in  Hp cursed products

Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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