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HP Recommended

I have a HP G61-632NR Notebook that is about two years old and about 3 months ago the screen went totally out on me.  I had a problem when it was in warranty and I think it all has something to do with each other.  When I first sent it in I was having problems out of the screen.  Any suggestions?  I went out and bought another regular screen and it works fine on it but I would like to have my screen back.  I have done a system recovery on it and it doesn't help.  


Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

you would be able to see everything fine on another moniter because the cable is going to the LCD.  you can have the LCD go out and still have a great picture on an external screen. 


I would contact HP support, tell them you've got a screen wtih horizontal lines and get it sent in.  Chances are it is the screen itself having issues. 



Though I work for HP, the opinions are mine 🙂

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

Vertical lines could be a sign that there is something going on with the cable to your LCD display, or even the display itself.  Because the port is is putting out a fine display on an external monitor it rules out the graphics card.


Your best bet is to contact HP support and see about setting up a repair on the system. 




Though I work for HP, the advice given is my own.

HP Recommended

Sorry I meant horizontal lines.

HP Recommended

Either vertical or horizontal, provided it doesn't look like ink blots or waves of color as the examples show in the linked document, you're looking a problem with the LCD itself or the cable. 


Ink blot type images are indicative of a cracked display panel rather than anything else.


Display Issues




Though I work for HP, I express my own opnions.

HP Recommended

It doesn't have ink spots.  If it was the cable would I be able to watch it on another screen?

HP Recommended

you would be able to see everything fine on another moniter because the cable is going to the LCD.  you can have the LCD go out and still have a great picture on an external screen. 


I would contact HP support, tell them you've got a screen wtih horizontal lines and get it sent in.  Chances are it is the screen itself having issues. 



Though I work for HP, the opinions are mine 🙂

HP Recommended

Okay thanks

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