Hello Sir,
Recently I had some issues with my HP Laptop dv 6703 tx.
I went to your authorised service center namely "Maha Electronics Pvt Ltd. , HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560038, INDIA" and registered my case with Case ID- 4632847208 on 30th July, 2011. As my laptop is 3.5 years old and out of warranty, I told them just to replace the top cover for trackpad only(as trackpad was not working) and there is some problem with the lid wirings because sometimes my webcam and display flicker when I close or open the lid (I thought that it is the minor issue with loose wiring). I also told them please do the needful as early as possible because I have a lot of depenency on my laptop and in case you can't get any part just let me know I will take my laptop without further delay.
After one day I got the confirmation message from service center that case is taken up and work is going on. Till this everything was fine.
Then I didn't got any reply from their side for 2 weeks. then i called them and enquired about my case id, the lady told me that sir there is delay from the part side, I told her please let me know if there is further delay, she told me sirIi don't know and I will ask from the engineers and will call you.
And this thing continues, they never ever called me and told me the right status and I always called them and finally asked them that I want to talk to your service center incharge than she told sir he will call you in 10 minutes, till this date I never got the call from them. And now I am writing this complaint on 10th september nearly after 42 days. Really I pissed off from their behaviour, we are their customers and more importantly HP customer and your service centers are treating us like this, this is really unacceptable.
As I am writing this to you, just now I got quotaion from their side (only quotation after 42 days, GOD knows when they will repair). The quotation is of Rs. 21,606.94 only on my 3.5 year old laptop. I am sure they just decided to replace the display panel without tried to fix the problem in the same display.
But now I decided not to reply on that quotation and just I will get back my laptop in the same condition (after 42 days and also paid them Rs. 300. )
This 42 days even costs me very much.
I just want to bring this to your notice so that you can do something so that other customers will not suffer. I am wondering if this is the case with Bangalore service center then how is your other service centers across INDIA.
Sorry to say, but these type of incient costs you even more and because of my bad experience, I will not dare to advice anyone to buy HP products.
So please sir please take strict action on this and if you search you will find similar type of complaints on various complaint forums.
I hope you will read this and send me the acknowledgement.
Sunny Kapoor