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The objective of this short overview is to explain briefly how to set up a Poly Clariti Manager formally known as RealPresence ResourceManager 10.1 or later to support Poly Phone provisioning.


Poly has important updates in Clariti Manager (CM) 10.11 and above. We at Poly encourage you and your customers to move forward keeping the Clariti infrastructure within the N and N-1 support policy to ensure you have the latest security updates, bug fixes and feature enhancements for the best experience.

Please see the links below on the Poly Clariti upgrades from our Legacy License solution “Flexera” (being deprecated end of June 2023) to the new “Poly Lens” Licensing solution also supported Clariti Manager 10.11 and above:



You may find the Licensing Migration FAQ helpful. 


For update and migration questions from an "older" RPRM 10.9 please see >here<


Clariti Manager 10.10 or later uses a new Linux System so no direct Update Path is available. Clariti Manager contains 5 Audio and 5 Video Licenses so you can already test this in a lab in order to verify functionality


Download Clariti Manager Trial


In Lens under Manage > Licensing > Clariti > Product Catalog > Clariti Manager virtual Machines files can be found








UPDATING FROM RPRM for valid contract customers


If upgrading from a former RPRM set up please back up RPRM via Admin > Maintenance > Backup System Settings using create and download a backup Archive.


In order to restore the backup in Clariti Manager via Admin > Maintenance > Restore System Settings using the Local Restore


Once this has been done and imported follow the instructions on how to log in to Poly Lens and download the relevant update (rprm-10.11.1_192-192.bin or later version) for Clariti Manager 10.11.1





If you are having trouble activating the Lens license or have activated it under the wrong account please raise a case with Poly support and provide the following details:

• Requested By:
• Company Name:
• Customer Name:

• Phone #
• Email:
• Serial Number:
(Usually can be found under License > Setup > System Identifier)
• License Number/ Activation code:
• Sales Order #

• Lens Tenant ID / UUID:
• Description of issue:




To start this please check this great older Real Presence Manager video detailing => here <=


Or from a Poly Employee Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3


The Poly Clariti Manager former RPRM supports Hyper-V, VMware, AWS, or Azure. The former RPRM supported Hyper-V, VMware, or a physical Dell server.


  1. Clariti Manager
    Install the ISO or OVA on your virtual Environment. Once installed access the console to setup the Clariti Manager Network Credentials


    Username: poly
    Password: clariti

    Once the poly/clariti combination has been used to initially log on the password must be changed to a more secure password




  2. RPRM Resource Manager

    Install the ISO or OVA on your virtual Environment. Once installed access the console to setup the RPRM Network Credentials


    The Username is: polycom
    The Password is: polycom

  3. Enter the network Credentials to match your environment and after this, the RPRM will re-start



  4. Wait about 10 Minutes and then browse to the IP or FQDN of the RPRM



    The standard initial username is: admin
    The standard initial password is: Polycom12#$

    You will get prompted to change this to something more secure

  5. Initially, the admin user does not have the right to audit Poly phones so you either need to create a new user or add this to the admin user.

    Browse to User > Users and either select the admin user or create a new user.



    Now assign the Role of a Device Administrator to the user.



    You can also integrate RPRM into Active Directory but this is outside the scope of this FAQ.

  6. Any license would need to be added here:



    Clariti Manager comes with 5 Audio and 5 Video Licenses if a customer wants to trial this:




  7. The next step would be to assign a site(s) to create separate sites to match the environment.



    The above expects a Site Name, a Description, and a Location.

    In addition, define the Subnet


    If this is not defined the Clariti Manager / RPRM adds everything to the Internet / VPN

  8. The Clariti Manager / RPRM uses PlcmSpIp as the standard User Name and Password. This can be changed here:



  9. Usually after this initial setup, you can either import new endpoints via Endpoint > Monitor View > More Import/Export Audio Phones and/or automatically add the phones whilst using a DHCP scope as shown => here <= in detail.

    The DHCP Option 66/160/161 FQDN or IP for the RPRM is 

    http://FQDN or IP Address/ucservice

If the password was changed from the above standard PlcmSpIp the DHCP option can also include the new password.




NOTE: If the password as an example contains an @ please replace this with %40 instead.




http://Username:%40123$@IP_Address or URL/ucservice


The above would use @123$ as the password or the phone would interpret the @symbol as the separator between the password and the IP Address or URL.


Note: To use HTTPS please add a certificate to the RPRM or disable Common Name Validation on the Phone end. Poly Phones out of the box automatically trust the Certificates listed in the Certificate Updates documents posted regularly => here <=. The phone could initially be provisioned via HTTP and then once it loads its configuration via the RPRM a certificate for HTTPS could be provisioned.


Note: Older versions of RPRM would use HTTP://<IP_or_FQDN/phoneservice/configfiles/ but later versions changed this to HTTP://<IP_or_FQDN/ucservice 


Option 1:


  • Importing all phones via a CSV File:



    The format of the CVS file is defined in the instructions which you can see above. You can in addition simply export a file and use this as a template.



    Devices can be imported and re-imported to change associated groups in bulk without changing other configurations.

    The advantage of this is all phones would already be setup with their registration details and utilize the DHCP Option.

Option 2:


  • Manually providing the RPRM details via the Phones Web Interface



Once the phone is connected to the RPRM provisioning Server the Web Interface or Admin Password for the Phone changes to 789.

This can be changed by browsing to Endpoint > Phone Management > Configuration Profile and copying the AdminPassword-ProvisioningDefault.





This would then be required to be assigned to a Global Configuration within Endpoint > Phone Management > Profiles Deployment. 


Added phone(s) can now be found via Endpoint > Monitor View





Selecting an individual phone:





Will provide access and details to configuration used or log files:





  • The actual configuration for the phone(s) is split into Global, Endoint Groups, Endpoint Models, Sites or Endpoints



  • Usually the Global section would only be used for a general common configuration like a password (as explained above) or a background Image.

  • Using the Endpoint Groups as an example we can add and Group certain Endpoints together. In the below example we used a VVX500



    We call this new group VVX500 Endpoint Group



    And we associate this:





    This results in a new group



  • Browsing to Endpoint > Phone Management > Configuration Profiles you can either create a new profile/configuration (blue) or modify an existing one (red) once it is selected



    Either create and define what this profile does or change the name provided if cloned



    The options for editing or changing this vary



    You can simply start typing/searching for a parameter(s)



    or paste from a previous XML file



Update the Default UC Configuration Schema


When Poly releases new Software Versions RPRM / Clarity Manager may not be aware of new Parameters. Therefore a user can manually download firmware. With each ZIP/Tar.Gz file come several sub folders.


  • For any current Voice Firmware usually the \Config Subfolder contains the polycomConfig.xsd Schema File containing all parameters.
  • For any current Video firmware the \Videocodec\Config Subfolder contains the polycomConfig.xsd Schema File containing all parameters.


Simply navigate to Endpoint > UC Management > UC Management Settings > Update the Default UC Configuration Schema and select the file and upload this




Once it has been imported Clarity Manager now "knows" about newly added configuration parameters


Get or Set Configuration Parameters


Via Endpoint > Monitor View > More > Get/Set Parameters a device can be checked to what value a parameter has been set:






Using the above will store the value within the phones <PHONE_LOCAL section. This will appear as made locally on the phone as explained => here <=


Software Updates via RPRM


Via Endpoint > Phone Management > Upload Software Updates Software can be added.





Usually, you would select the Poly hosted Server and create a new configuration profile based on the software version as this allows you to assign this to an existing or new configuration profile via Endpoint > Phone Management > Configuration Profiles




Apply versus OK


Throughout the application you will see Apply and OK appear in regards to Configuration Profiles and Group Memberships.




 Will save the changes and devices that are impacted of the changes will be notified at the next polling period for the affected devices.




Will Save the changes and immediately notify all devices that are reachable that there are changes that need to be applied immediately.A Pop-up notification is provided to confirm this action as it will generally always reboot the phone(s). Always be aware of your context when applying changes


Automatic Updates


As a factory default when provisioning a Poly phone from RPRM the Phone will check daily between 03:00 and 05:00 for any configuration changes.


In order to change this you would copy Provisioning-Polling-Daily-SpecificWindow within Endpoint > Phone Management > Configuration Profiles and change the time to suit your setup and then assign to a profile.


Endpoint Monitor – Device Status






Troubleshooting Tools


Via Admin > Maintenance > Troubleshooting Utilities several Troubleshooting Options are available





  • Restart > Restart the RPRM

  • Shutdown > Shut down the RPRM

  • Traces > This enables the user to start a Trace and store this in the System Log File. Please be aware that this is a Network capture as shown => here <=

    An example could be host <IP address> aka host would show all traffic to and from the IP provided.

    Once a trace is stopped it can be found in Admin > Maintenance > System Log Files as a.pcap file



  • Resource Manager System Logs > Get the full set of Resource Manager logs and any traces

  • Resource Manager System Report > Generate and download Resource Manager System Report.

  • Test Network Connection > Troubleshoot network issues using the traceroute and ping programs. This includes a PING or Traceroute



  • View UC Management Log > View UC Management Log




Advanced Functions – Global/Model/Site




Reboot Phones – All phones within the selected scope will be rebooted as long as they are not isolated behind a NAT’d device.

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