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If you're having print quality issues Click here for more tips!
Check some of the most frequent questions about Instant Ink: HP INSTANT INK, HP+ PLANS: INK AND TONER.

Check out our Black or Color Ink Not Printing, Other Print Quality Issues info about: Print quality and Cartridge Issues.
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HP ENVY 4500 Series
Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit)

The printer shows that it has an adequate amount of ink in each cartridge but it only wants to print half of the lines of text. However the top two inches of the page print correctly. What could be causing this? I would appreciate any helpful feedback. Thank youWIN_20210829_18_35_20_Pro.jpg

HP Recommended

When the printer is unused for a longer period ink dries and you get print like yours.


Replace the black ink cartridge with a new one and the printer will print fine again.

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I tried a trick i found online. If the cartridge is old you can soak the part that emits the ink in really hot water and wait until you see the ink coming out and then pull the cartridge out. I tried it and it actually worked. I still have a half full cartridge.

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