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HP Recommended

Same issue here. Have a brand new out of the box Photosmart 6510 B211a. Everything else seems fine except ePrint services. If i try to activate it from the printer it just sits there saying "Connecting" with the HP logo..forever. If i try to enable it from the web interface just has a scrolling bar and says "Enabling web services". Although now when i view the page i get "Another person is currently registering the printer. Try again later."


Very frustrating to have a new, just out of the box product not work 100%



HP Recommended

Most likely the server is still processing the registration.  For more information on troubleshooting the problem try going to this link: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/ePrint-Print-Apps-Mobile/ePrint-Apps-Connectivity-Troubleshooting-Pleas...

I am an HP employee
HP Recommended

For those who are experiencing ongoing issues with their web services, you can attempt to try the following steps that may

help resolve your problems.
1.) Completely shut down your printer and restart it
2.) If you have prints that have not printed, log into ePrint Center (or create an account if you do not have one) and

then look for your printer status. If printer status is green but you still have pending jobs, delete the pending jobs one at

a time (Starting with the oldest first). There may be a print job stuck in the queue that further restricts other jobs from

a. If option 1 or 2 above still doesn’t work, removing web services and re-adding web services will cause the printer to

reattach to the cloud.
b. Please note that if you attempt option 3, you will get a new eprint email address (and lose your custom one with no

ability to get it back) furthermore, you will need to re-add your printer back to your ePC account.

I am an HP employee
HP Recommended

I have the same issue with the Photosmart C310a printer.  I have e-print for a day or two and then nothing and my web service isn't either.  Have the same message.  Also cannot use apps due to connectivity problem even when they were connected.  Whats going on HP.  You use to make great products.  Now I am not so sure.  Your Tech help doesn't seem to have the answers.  I am sure they are being bombarded with the same issues.  I believe it is a software problem too but no one will face it and admit it.  We need help!!

HP Recommended

Exactly the same thing for me.  


Worked for about 3 days and now only eprint is not working.  Able to print from the computur and able to scan (only to save to a USB), transfer to computer then print.  


Looking back at the history of this issue, it seems to be ongoing and not resolved!

HP Recommended
I have HP Photosmart Premium and its connected to my wireless home network (which has Internet) I can print using AirPrint but ALL the web services are not working. I have tried rebooting everything but every time I try enabling web services and agree to the terms I receive the message problem connecting to web services server.
HP Recommended
The Designjet and the Officejet 4500 do not have web-services or ePrint so you may want to start a new thread regarding your problem with server connection errors as it is not the same kind of server that ePrint uses.

Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.

When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.

Every problem has a solution!
HP Recommended

Sorry that I did not see this thread sooner.  Since there are so many people on here with all different operating systems, different printers, and at different points in their problem with web services not enabling, then I will provide two links here.  First link is an official document that outlines some pretty basic and simple steps to fix this for you.

--Network Connection Error--


This next link is to a point in a conversation I was having where I included every single possible step to fix this.

--Setting a Static IP to Connect to Web Services--


I suggest setting a static IP using the Google's DNS ( for the Preferred DNS Server and for the Alternate DNS server - details in link) to allow the printer to connect to a more stable server than your local one.  Yes, ePrint does go through periodic updates and maintenance but it is usually scheduled and only lasts up to 4 hours at the most.  Also, your printer's embedded web server may be different than the one I outline in the second link but regardless which printer you have, select the Network tab in the EWS and then on the left hand side you are either looking for IPv4 Configuration under Wireless or Network Address (IP) under Networking on the left hand side.  Everything else will be the same.


If anyone would like me to post a picture for you, just list the model of your printer and I can give you a personal tour of the printer's EWS and any other useful bits of information.  If the above steps do not work, I know of some really advanced steps regarding printer resets, modems/routers/internet speed and other steps depending on what you have tried thus far.  Let me know how it goes and sorry it looks so complicated right now.  I assure you these are the easy steps and they work 80% of the time.  The other 20% have one of twenty possible things go wrong but is usually fixable.  


Also, check to see if your printer has a firmware update available at www.hp.com/support and typing in your printer name in the Software and Driver section or tell me your printer and operating system of your computer (Windows 7 64-bit, Windows XP, Mac etc) and I can tell you if it does or not.  This should be just about everything possible listed in order from easiest to hardest.  I would just go down the list and if you get to the bottom, do not get discouraged.  Just let me know what happens and I can pick up from there.  No need to over-load you all trying to include every possible conundrum in one post. 

Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.

When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.

Every problem has a solution!
HP Recommended

My printer used to have an email sddress. It doesn't any more. Problem 1  . Problem #2 I can't enable web serveices as I keep getting an error can't connect to web server .Help!  

HP Recommended

Hi Frozone,


I understand that ePrint is not working for you.  I have a couple of questions for you.  


What printer do you have?


Have you made any changes to your network?  


Have you confirmed that your printer is on your network?  

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