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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
HP Recommended

Where did you find the wireless card?

HP Recommended

I too registered so I could add my printer to the long list of printers with this issue.  Purchased 12/12/2009  - wireless card dead today.  Tried all the solutions to no avail.   Have not tried replacing the wireless card.  I also received the random "remove USB device" message.  HP obviously has an issue with this printer and should address it.   Not sure that it matters, but I too primarly accessed the printer wirelessly from Macs.

HP Recommended

I have pretty much given up on this c309 - mine isn't even a year old!  One of the reasons I purchased it is because of the two-sided printing whcih I need when outputting rough drafts of books.  I am in the market for a reliable upgrade - too tired of messing with a printer that doesn't work!  I don't have time to search for a wireless card as it seems that responsibility would rest on the shoulders of HP who should accommodate the numerous wireless cards that have gone out on these printers!

HP Recommended

I just spent 1+ hrs with tech support - $20 to find out that not only does my wireless radio not work (discount for buying new product offered)  but the Critical Download for a possible fix won't upload either...  This is my 3rd and LAST HP product that has failed in 4 years.  Anyone know a reliable product???

HP Recommended


I have just been reading this thread as I have the same problem. Radio fail & "USB connected" when none attached?

Took me 3 1/2 hours of 'phone calls to get the promise of a replacement. Their lines kept cutting the call and reringing required repeating the problem before getting Teck support. Such a longwinded system. I timed 5 minutes talking to Customer services to get put through to Teck.

I was lucky to get a replacement unit sent BUT 2/3 rds. way tru copying a page the scanner failed. cant scan/copy or send fax.

This time it took 1 hour to go tru the reset process with HP Teck for them to issue a replacement unit order.

I am now awaiting a second replacement unit.


Dreadful system of customer support. So long winded and looses customers and ZERO customer satisfaction. IMO

HP Recommended

Thank you ashechiefTutor


I had the correct screw driver in my kit and removed the Radio card in less thal 3 minutes from the replacement c309a which failed to copy the first page upon arrival. Failed scanner within first day.

The "old" 1 year c309a had a failed wireless card so I swapped the cards and now the old c309a is working perfectly.


This card can be bought on the Net for $10 or so.

HP sent me a replacement c309a from Germany which was defective.

Now HP are sending me a second replacement - FROM Germany to UK.??? 13.5Kilo + 4 1/2 houre total time talking to HP "support".


It is "penny pinching "Beancounters" gon MAD.!!


A "selfrepair" kit with a screwdriver could be made available for this persistant radio card fault for less than the cost, to HP, of ONE hour talking time  to HP Teck.!


Now I have a perfectly working printer and because of HP policy ??  another replacement printer is on its way to me.







HP Recommended

All of this is too time consuming and my time is more valuable than spending 3-4 hours trying to get a tech on the phone.  I am now reviewing laser printers and Mac computers.  I have had it with HP and I have 3 laptops and a PC!  They have so many customers that the loss of one doesn't mean anything to them.  I had the same problems with Sony support so I am not sure there is any company that has "customer service". 

HP Recommended

in case someone is still looking for the radio card these guys say they have on for $20.00



HP Recommended

also these guys say they have 10 in stock, but don't give a price



HP Recommended

I HAVE HP C309a printer w/same problem.  Can you tell me where you found the wifi card for this printer.  I used the p/n 1150-7931 but drew a blank.


Ed [Personal Information Removed]

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