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- Printing Errors or Lights & Stuck Print Jobs
- Re: Wireless instructions for Mac connecting to LJ P1102w

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01-30-2011 06:56 PM
I had all of the trouble that you guys are describing. I then set it up flawlessly on another system. This is what I did.
1. When I set it up on my own system (laptop #1), when I installed the driver, I checked the box for a USB set-up, rather than a network set-up. Maybe this made a difference, I don't know. In any event, when I set it up on another system (laptop #2), when I installed the driver (using the enclosed CD), I checked the box that said "network printer." Maybe this made a difference.
2. I had no trouble setting up the USB connection.
3. I then set it up for use with an Airport Express. I unplugged the Airport Express, attached the printer to it using a USB cable, plugged it back in, and re-installed the Airport Express with its installation software (which is on the laptop under applications / utilities / Airport Utility). I did not reset it to factory settings, but only changed two windows: de-selecting use with iTunes, and confirming use with the printer (which showed up in the window as Hewlett Packard...). As I went through this procedure, I made a point to observe that the password was not in WEP, but in WPA/WPA-2. I concluded the reconfiguration of the Airport Express. I now plugged the USB cable back into Mac laptop#2. I went through Apple / System Preferences / Print and Fax, highlighted the LJ P1102w, etc, etc, as is set out in the Youtube video. I selected the Airport Express as the SSID and used WPA/WPA-2 encryption, alphanumeric, and entered the Airport Express password. I then closed it all out like it shows in the Youtube video. I plugged the USB cable back into the Airport Express. I then deleted the printer from my printer list as shown in the Youtube video, and clicked on "+" to add a printer. Up popped a Bonjour printer "Hewlett Packard...," which I added. I could now print "wirelessly" from laptop #2, with the printer connected by USB cable to the Airport Express.
4. I then plugged the USB cable back into my computer, and up popped the USB printer into my list of printers. I followed the Youtube video all over again, basically keeping all the previous settings. After running through the procedure, I deleted the USB printer (keeping the Airport Express printer), unplugged the USB cable from Mac laptop#2, and hit "+" to add a printer. A couple seconds later, up popped a Bonjour LJP1102w printer, which I clicked on and added.
- This is to say that the printer unit will now work in three different ways on that system (Mac laptop #2), all depending on which way I set as my default on that laptop.
- I think the differences between my initial failure and subsequent success was
A. making sure I select the "network" driver at the outset, when installing the driver off the enclosed CD
B. making sure I use the proper encryption (which for the Airport Express was WPA/WPA-2)
C. unplugging the USB cable from the laptop before searching for the Bonjour printer.
D. I don't know if the OS X made a difference. Laptop #1 is 10.5.8 (Leopard), whereas Laptop #2 is 10.6.6 (Snow Leopard, like in the Youtube Video).
- So, as I say, I had a very easy and successful triple installation, following a frustrating initial attempt. On that initial attempt, with laptop #1, I could make two out of the three work, but never got a fully wireless printer. And being fully wireless is really very cool...
Maybe something in this will help the rest of you guys. Good luck.
05-24-2011 07:29 AM - edited 05-24-2011 10:35 AM
I've just found the solution to the problem I was experiencing. However, I'm going to leave this post up here because it might help someone who finds it in the future.
But is no one else having the problem that in the HTML Config Utility, clicking on the Networking tab does NOTHING? This is the case on both of the Macs I have used connected via USB to this printer. Maybe the problem is that wireless was already set up on the printer (I have made a change to my wireless network configuration and need to update the settings for the printer), though of course that shouldn't, nothing should, prevent me from getting to the Networking tab. Clicking on the Settings tab also does nothing (not that you need to click on the Settings tab to configure the network, I'm just making the point that it's not just the Networking tab: neither the Settings nor the Networking tabs are accessible). I just installed the updated software on one of the Macs and had it update the firmware on the printer; it didn't help. On the other of the two Macs, I completely uninstalled what was there then ran the installer for the new software; it didn't help. So no matter what I do, I can't get the Networking tab to do anything for me! I dug into the install on the Mac on which I'd done the uninstall then reinstall and I launched the HTML Config Utility in such a way that I get logging to a Terminal window and I can see that whenever I click on either the Settings tab or the Networking tab, I get the following entry:
UsbBulk: ReadPipeTO Failed, err=e0004051
I get 3 of these entries for each time I click on the Settings or Networking tabs. Farther up in the entries I see:
UsbBulk: skipping pipe 3 because it is not a bulk pipe
Maybe that's then why there's an error when I try to click on the Settings or Networking tabs. But of course, I have no idea how to prevent it from skipping pipe 3 (whatever that is).
Or maybe I should call it the REAL problem: the HTML Config Utility doesn't allow you access to the Settings and Networking tabs when you have previously set a Password via the Networking tab (it appears the HTML Config Utility is unable to handle the challenge/response piece required to allow you to login and access these tabs). This is a bug--HP, please fix this! If you cannot fix it, the process for dealing with the situation should be documented. That process is that if you cannot get your printer on the wireless network (in my case, the only way to get the printer on the wireless network would have been to change the settings for my wireless network back to what they were when I had previously set up the printer for the wireless network), you must do a hard reset of your printer and start over. In order to do a hard reset of your printer, you turn it off and then you press and hold both the "red X" button and the wireless button on the top of the printer while you at the same time press and release the power button (I'm not sure how long you have to hold the red X button and the wireless button; I read something about holding them until the lights all blink simultaneously but I held them for several seconds without noticing the lights blinking but I still accomplished my goal of doing a hard reset on the printer). Once you've done a hard reset of the printer, you will be able to access the Networking tab via the HTML Config Utility. Of course that will mean that you must have the printer connected to the computer via USB and have it set up as a USB printer in Print & Faxes under System Utilities (make sure it's USB and not Wi-Fi; when you unplug the USB cable, you should see the printer become marked as Offline in Print & Fax; if you do not, it is likely that you have the printer set up as Wi-Fi and in this case you should be able to add the printer connected via USB via the normal Mac approach of adding any USB printer). When you access the HTML Config Utility, you will have access to the Networking tab because your hard reset of the printer will have removed the password you established previously. But don't add it back in via the HTML Config Utility!!! If you do, you'll effectively lock yourself out of the Networking tag again. Instead, use the Networking tab to add in all the network settings for your printer to get on your Wi-Fi network. Once you have done that (you might have to then turn the printer off and on but I don't think so), make sure you can again access the printer's configuration utility via your browser; the best way to do this is to launch the printer utility for the Wi-Fi printer from Print & Fax (as with the USB printer, it might be the case that you have to again add the printer again in Print & Fax). Then you can click on the Networking tab and set the Password. Note that if you do this, you will again lose access to the Settings and Networking tabs in the HMTL Config Utility for the USB printer but as long as your network settings remain the same, you should always be able to access those tabs, after first entering your credentials (Admin + the password you set), when accessing the Wi-Fi printer via your browser. If all this sounds hopelessly confusing, then tell HP to fix this--this is crap! But failing that, though there is certainly value in securing the settings of the printer, particularly if there are untrusted people who have access to your network, you might be best off simply not setting a password for your printer.
One more important note: when you set a password for your printer, you CANNOT set the user name: it is and must remain Admin. When you are challenged to provide the credentials for your printer when accessing the Settings or Networking tabs when accessing the configuration utility via your browser, the username you MUST use is Admin. And here's the really obnoxious part: it's case-sensitive (I know, I know: it's probably Linux behind the scenes and Linux is case-sensitive--I still think it's lame that it's case-sensitive). So you must use Admin; you cannot use admin, ADMIN, or anything else--it has to be Admin. This tip alone will be huge for some people simply trying to access the configuration utility after setting credentials for it and I hope that somehow, some way, the search engines index this in such a way that they find this information--all I know is that I sure couldn't find it anywhere when I searched for it. HP, please update http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c02011087 to indicate that the username is Admin and that it is case-sensitive. I understand you don't include information about what the username is in the instructions because it can't be changed during setup. The point of having the information there isn't for setup, it's for helping those of us who have set a password but forgotten that the user name is Admin and that it is case-sensitive--if you put that information there, we will find it when searching (I sure would have: I found that document easily when searching--it was the first result--it just didn't give me any help).
09-10-2011 02:48 PM
First I have to say that the HP documentation is a waste of time for anyone trying to wirelessly attach the LJ1102W.
What I discovered that worked is that I had to force a wireless session between the 1102W and my Linksys router. You do that by USB attaching the printer to a mac. Once the 1102W driver is downloaded and the 1102W is attached to the MAC, go to the Printer & Fax window. Select the 1102W printer and then go to Option & Suplies. Select the Ultility button and then open printer utility. This should open a browser window for the HP LaserJet Professional P1102W. There will be three tabs, select the Networking Tab. Make sure the Automatic IP is selected (as pposed to Maunal IP). From the left options, select wireless. Select the Infrastructure radio button (as opposed to the Ad-hoc). Hopefully your wireless router network SSID will be displayed in the Available Network Names (SSID) list. Highlight the router SSID, and hit the << button to point to your router. Assuming you have security setup on the router network, select your security mode in the Authentication section and put in your password. Assuming your router network is active, and the 1102W has the blue light flashing, then apply the changes. When I followed those steps, the 1102W blue light went solid blue, indicating the 1102W was in session with the router network.
Then unplug the USB from the 1102W. Close all the windows until you are back to the Print & Fax window. Select the USB attached 1102W, and then hit the '-' button to delete the USB attached printer. Hit the '+' button to add a printer. Make sure you are on the Default sslection window. I then saw the HP LaserJet Professional P1102W (kind = Boujour) on my selection window. Select the 1102W, and then print using should select the P1100W driver. Add the printer and if all went correctly, the printer will be there in idel status.
Happy printing, and I hope this works for you.
10-22-2011 09:29 PM
After various attempts to connect the P1102w to my MacBook 10.6.8, managed to get wireless Bonjour by using the Facebook procedure Mac Wireless Setup - HP LaserJet P1102w.
Functioned fine in the wireless mode but lost the wireless if the printer power was turned off then restored. After turning power back on USB would function but have to do a complete re-install to get the wireless going again. Appears the printer finds the router okay as blue light becomes solid. The MacBook says the printer is off line.
Any ideas.....Thanks
12-08-2011 09:46 PM
I have a similar problem connecting a LJP1102w to my Macbook Air (OS X10.7.2). I have dowloaded the new HP driver 4.0 from the HP site and use UTube Video but got stuck when going to the HTML Config. I get a panel with 2 HTLM errors instead of being able to go the next step in the video to select Networking ?
Anybody with the same prtoblem?
01-05-2012 10:46 AM
I'm in despair now. Sometimes this printer works wirelessly, most often it doesn't.
I've installed and reinstalled this machine numerous times. Tried all the fixes, round and round and round I go.
Please HP release a driver that works with the MAC.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on an intel MAC PRO.
If there are any more fixes apart from already posted please let me know.
01-05-2012 05:54 PM
Yes I can help - a bit..
First, I'm talking Mac OS X 10.7.2 and the HP Laserjet P1102w
Next, the latest driver is 5.0 (at the moment) . Download & install this, then the HTML dialogue box WILL open (it won't with earlier drivers that come on the CD Rom).
Once in that HTML panel, click on Networking & enter all the SSID and WEP key code.
No here's the first BUT.... The YouTube video doesn't tell to to uncheck the Bonjour box which you MUST do because 10.7.2 does NOT USE BONJOUR!!
Your printer will now join the network and the blue light will be on permanently.
Now here's the next BUT...... Having got the printer to join the network, unfortunately your macbook will NOT see it... The OS doesn't for some reason..... However anyone with a PC with Windows WILL be able to see and use it wirelessly!! cheek!
So that's HALF way there - getting the rinter onto the network. Am still looking for solutions for the Macbook to see it..... Here's hoping HP release an updated driver SOON!!
Bon chance but remember NOT Bonjour...!
01-05-2012 08:14 PM
I had the same issue. When I would open up html config in the print utility box (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c972ybZvZzo), I would get 2 html errors.
It was fixed when I reinstalled the software for my printer not from the cd that came with the printer but by going on the HP website and downloading their latest printer installation software for the p1102w.
http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?os=219&lc=en&cc=ca&dlc=en&sw_lang=&product=41103... << UNder step 2: Click on 'Driver Product INstallation Software' and Download it and then reinstall it. It should fix the following according to HP:
Support Cloud Print feature for wired/wireless network bundle
Fix the issue as HTML config utility cannot work in Mac 10.7
Fix the issue as Image shift when printing with customize paper size by PCL5 driver
Fix the issue as Smart Install Utility Not Working Correctly
Fix GUI version of SIUtility so that the PC option doesn't require driver installation
On the same link, you will also see 'Firmware' (1). That's the latest firmware update for your firmware. Download that too. Thank you for the person who provided me with that link. Don't know who but thanks.