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Experiencing 'Printer Blocked' or 'Printer Error' message? Click here for more information.
Check some of the most frequent questions about Instant Ink: HP INSTANT INK, HP+ PLANS: INK AND TONER.

Check out our Black or Color Ink Not Printing, Other Print Quality Issues info about: Print quality and Cartridge Issues.
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While trying to print an airline boarding pass, I receive an error message stating that "ink cratridge nearing expiration". The messgae said to press "OK" to continue printing with this cartridge. The cartridge was not even close to being empty, so I pressed "OK" and nothing happened. The printer would not print at all. I tried to call HP customer service, but was placed on hold for over 20 minutes on a Saturday morning. No answer. So, I hung up. Fortunately, I had a replacement cartridge on hand and, after replacing the old cartridge, I was able to print my boarding pass.

I strongly believe this is a SCAM by HP which is forcing customers to purchase their overpriced ink cartrdges even when it's unneccessary. The printer was working just fine until this error message appeared.[Moderator edited comment] The ink expiration date thing is an arbitrary number and has nothing to do with the printer's ability to continue printing. I have proven this fact since after removing the old, functioning ink cartridge, the expriation date read: 07/29/2010! Today is 01/21/2012 and this cartridge as well as all the others in the printer were printing just fine!!! The "new" cartrdige I installed has an expiration date of 02/16/2011 and works perfectly!!! Come on HP!!! Stop ripping off your customers!!!

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