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HP Recommended

I have a 1 Gbit speed through my ISP provider. I have a Netgear Orbi router with 2 extra satellites throughout my house. My throughput speed on my network card is 866.7 Mbps. My download speeds are still 200 to 300 Mbps. I don't understand why this card is giving me half the download speed as my previous older one. Do you have any other ideas? Thank you again for your help.

HP Recommended

Unfortunately, I don't know why the card is only connecting at half the throughput/download speeds as it should.


It should be working at least as good as the Intel 7265.


As I wrote yesterday, my 9260 card is downloading at the same speed as the 7265 was, but the throughput speed if I were able to be closer to the router, would also be 866 Mhz.


Here are the specs on the card...




Here is this discussion...




It's gotta have something to do with that 160 MHz spec.


You may want to post your question on the Intel support forum and see if someone there can provide a helpful answer for you.



HP Recommended

Well now I have a major issue. I decided to take the back of the laptop off to make sure the wireless chip was connected properly. I took one cable off and after trying to snap the attena wire back onto the chip, the connector broke off of the wire. Is there anyway to replace the attena wires or am I screwed from internal wifi? Thank you for your quick help

HP Recommended

Oh, no!


I kinda did the same thing as you, but I wasn't as bad off.


When I tried to remove the antenna cables from the 7265, both the terminals of the card snapped off and got stuck inside the antenna 'cups.'


I had to dig them out with a needle, and had to use a jeweler's loupe to see what I was doing.


Gosh, are those cables thin!  I was sure I was going to break them, but lucked out.


I do not see any antenna cable kits to order in your notebook's service manual.




You will have to go with an external USB wifi adapter, or attach the one good antenna to the wireless card's Main antenna connection.


You would probably not have Bluetooth under those circumstances though.


You can't fix the wire itself because it is like a thin coaxial cable.



HP Recommended

I appreciate your quick reply. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to replace the cables. I don't know why HP won't allow replacement parts of these natures. The wires are so super thin and brittle. I really didn't even apply a lot of pressure to the cable and even used tweezers. I appreciate your advice and I hooked up the one remaining good cable. I have wifi for now but that may be subject to change. I really don't want to go with a USB dongle because they are so clunky and the ones that I have tried in the past had poor signal and nowhere near a 1Gbit output. Thank  you anyway for all of your help

HP Recommended

You're very welcome.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience with this upgrade.


After going through the ordeal I had with those cables on that PCIe x1 wifi adapter contraption, I will never attempt to upgrade the internal wifi card on a modern notebook.


I had no issues upgrading the older model notebook wifi adapters, because the antenna cables in those were monstrous by comparison.


I still wish I knew why the 9560 gave you no better performance--and even worse performance than the 7265 did.

† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.