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HP Recommended

Hello,Dear Friend

We want to learn more about how to check the Motherboard SN + The Xeon CPU SN + The Memory SN +The Power SN from the HP official online to confirm all components in our customized HP Z8 workstation is

manufactured from the HP factory


HP Recommended

as far as i know hp does not track any of the parts you mention in a retail workstation that you buy from them they only track the main system serial number


however if you buy a sec cpu kit from HP that may have the cpu number recorded


ram is not tracked per say, but hp does have ways to determine if the ram you are calling about is a valid item


the power supply is the same as the ram


the motherboard is not tracked in a new retail system, however all board replacements are tracked by hp and again they have methods to check system or motherboard warranty status



HP Recommended

Is there some ways to confirm that some components in our customized HP Z8 workstation is manufactured from or provided by the HP factory,The most important part is CPU and the motherboard

HP Recommended

Contact HP directly.  This is a "user's forum".  We are just like you and have no access to such things.

HP Recommended

When referring to 'HP factory', it is worth considering the very wide meaning of the term 'HP factory'.

Two examples:

1. An official document issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (dated 16-09-2016)


defines Foxconn CZ, S.R.O. in the Czech Republic as 'Manufacturing Unit' of a Workstation product Brand HP.

2. On the shipment label on the package that contained my HP Z820 workstation, that I ordered in year 2012 from local HP representatives, it was printed: Hewlett Packard    C/O Foxconn CZ s.r.o.   U Zamecku 27   Pardubice, 532 01   CZ


Inside many brands of desktop computers and workstations, a considerable number of electronic devices, PCB's, cable assemblies and whatnot are manufactured by subcontractors including Foxconn, and the above examples indicate that Foxconn may also take a major part in assembling complete computer products. 


The CPU is undoubtedly manufactured by Intel, so it is not necessary to expect it to be manufactured by the HP factory.


However It is important to note that design, selection of components and then testing of the product (during manufacturing stages and final acceptance tests of complete products) are done by HP .

† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.