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HP Recommended
HP Z640 Base Model Workstation
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

I Have an HP Z640 PC I recently bought for budget gaming and work purposes, it has a Xeon E5 1650v4 CPU, 16 gigs of ddr4 RAM, and a K620 Quadro GPU, the motherboard name is HP 212A, my question is, Can I switch from the HP Z640 case to another case, I can't figure out what form factor the case or motherboard is, please help me out.

HP Recommended

you can move any motherboard into a diffrent case


as long as it physically fits and you have the "SKILL MONEY and TOOLS" to do so


the z640 motherboard being a non ATX format will require advanced skills to transplant


the power supply for the board is also non ATX, so a custom adapter/power converter is also required


the  front I/O connections are also non standard requiring knowledge on how to rewire for a different case


the cpu mounting is also non standard and will require fabricating a custom cpu backplate/cooler mounting 


the rear backplate does not exist and will need to be fabricated as the z640 case uses pre punched I/O 


the stock z640 case is a well designed case that provides proper cooling and drive storage in a very compact case

in my opinion if you want a different case, buy a new motherboard that is ATX compatible with consumer ATX cases

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