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HP Recommended

Until now I am using a GTX 1080 with 6+8 pin Power


Now I got a good deal and got a RTX 2080 and using in with 8+8 pin (with 2 6 -> 8 pin adapter)


Now when I startup I see only 



"Pls power down and connet pcie power cables"



I know that the 6pin cable from HP Z620 has 150W so it shoudl work but it doesnt!

How can I get the RTX card working in the Z620?


Did I need a Bios upgrade?

HP Recommended

the gtx 1080 (non TI model) draws 180 watts using a 8 pin AUX pwr connector


the  RTX 2080 (non TI model) draws 225 watts


both cards are under the 300 watt limit for the system


if i had to guess, i suspect that you have simply not fully engaged the aux power connector on the card


remove the card and also disconnnect the 6-8 pin adapter, now holding the card insert the 8 pin connector into the aux connector, in my case i had to fiddle with it using moderate force before it finally seated fully.


having the card out allowed me to see when it was fully seated and prevented undue stress on the pci-e socket/motherboard


i then reinstalled the card and reconnected the two 6 pin plugs, and appon power up the card now worked.

HP Recommended

I suspect HP Bios is not working with turing RTX cards now


I know that with my GTX 1080 I had boot issues too until I updated the bios



is there any success story from a HP Z620 with a turing Nvidia RTX card?

HP Recommended



It's a surprise to me, but so far there are no RTX 2080 Ti, RTX  2080, nor RTX 2070 GPU's tested on any of the 69,000+ Hewlett-Packard systems on Passmark.


Given that NVIDIA Turing Quadros - for only $6300, 7300, and 10,000 are running on HP's and the power-related nature of  the error message, the problem seems more likely as a power issue than BIOS.


The issue with power may be that, yes, 2X 150W GPU's may be used but for each GPU, 75W -half- is supplied by the PCIe x16 slot, meaning that the 2X 6-pin PCIe power connectors are rated only to supply the other 2X 75W.  In summary, the 2X 8-pin are supplying only up to 150W.  Knowing HP,  it's probably capable of more, but not up to the 235W? of the RTX 2080.  I saw the RTX 2080 Ti uses up to 285W.  


Consider using: 2X 6-pin  -> 1X 8- pin + Molex 4-pin -> 1X 8-pin  and see what happens.  I'm using a GTX 1070 Ti in a z620 (E5-1680 v2 8C@4.3GHz)) with 2X 6-pin -> 1X 8=pin + Molex 4-pin -> 1X 6pin with very good results. I have a Quadro P2000 also and since that is less than 75W, I can run that simultaneously with the GTX 1070 Ti on the PCIe slot power. I am however, not convinced the GTX 1070 Ti is the solution in my uses (3D CAD and rendering) as the Open GL performance is not as good with the GTX.  My thoughts are turning to whatever the Turing replacement for the P2000 turns out to be or a Quadro P4000.



HP Recommended

I doubt its brute power supply


I used for a limited time a 1080 ti on my T620 which was working fine

1080 ti has TDP of 250W where 2080 has TDP of 215W


I guess I am not the first Z620 user which is buying a Turing card so are there success stories or does the power supply not support turing for whatever reason or is y bios update needed like when I installed my 1080 ?

HP Recommended



The idea concerning power was based on the only information regarding the failure as being power related. If there had been no output- a black screen, a system BIOS situation would seem more likely.


To eliminate the BIOS  as a possibility, the system BIOS could be updated, but it also seems possible that the problem is some kind of protective  power limitations setting in the GPU BIOS.


There has been quite a few reports of problems with individual RTX 2080 Ti.   Perhaps it's a normal number but:






These are particularly focussed on the Ti version.


Yes, consider updating the system BIOS and if that does not change the situation, consider a clean install of the driver in case there is a previous driver remnant.










HP Recommended

I had similar problems when I got my 1080 for my Z620 

The Z620 would not startup and it turned out only with the newest HP Z620 Bios the 1080 would work

maybe its similar problem now again and only with a new bios for the Z620 the RTX card can work?

maybe its the RTX card bios issue 


until more people are trying out to get a rtx card working its hard to say whats the 100% issue


matter of fact when rtx card dont work anymore with hp workstations I would consider HP workstation  obselete EOL

I would not buy again a HP Workstation


HP should test and avoid that before and get solution ready

thats a huge letdown from HP



HP Recommended

Calaudude, you seem to not understand the role a workstation fills, companies and professionals buy these systems because they are certified to work with the specific hardware and software packages that HP and the ISV's certify


this certification process is very through and results in both parties giving a waranty that HP (hardware and ISV (software) that both will perform as specified, and if not they will correct those issues during the life of the system


since the zx20 line is EOL (End Of Life) and the zx40 line is almost there also most reasonable people do not expect bios updates or factory support after the listed warranty period and this also applys to any other company


your comment that HP should continue to support systems out of the warranty period by allways testing new hardware that did not exist when the system was designed/built/under warranty is not a reasonable demmand

HP Recommended



As mentioned, in Passmark test results fro 70,000+ systemsthere are no HP systems of any model listed using any Turing-based GPU.  However.  The specification listings for the current Z6:







NVIDIA RTX 2070 8GB +$550
NVIDIA RTX 2080 8GB +$750
NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti 11GB +$1400
However, important to this discussion: I found today that there are three Dell Precision workstations: T3600, 5820. and T5600 using the RTX 2080.  The Precision T3600 and T5600 are importantn as those are the contemporary of a V1 z620 (2011 boot block date, the T3600 using a Xeon E5-1650 and T5600 a Xeon E5-2690.  That is a good signal for the z420 and z620 V1 as those correpsond more od less to T3600 and T5600  (V2 z420 and z620 = T3610 and T5610. The Dell 5820 is using a Xeon W-2133 4C- a current CPU.  I would note that the 3D results for the Dells using an RTX 2080 are not impressive- the T3600 / E5-1650 system has the highest mark at 12129.  Compare that with the 12629 on the office z620 / E5-1680 v2 using an MSI Aero GTX 1070 Ti.  The Dell 5820 scores only 10945. using the 3.6/3.9 W-2133.
There are several possible factors, for example, the possibility that users are not buying GPU's that cost considerably more than the system is worth; a $900 CPU for a $450 Precision T3600 / E5-1650 is disportionate.  Also,  HP and Dell may not have interest in costly research and devlopment to adapt new technology to obsolete systems,  for example, HP to my knowledge never created a BIOS for zX20 systems to support  NVMe boot drives.  This is understandable as HP and Dell would spend a lot of time and money with no direct benefit. It is also understandable that a user could feel there is a diminuation of continuity that is assocaited with proprietary workstations, but there are points in which the technology makes larger changes and supporting past technology is a low prioroty. 
Consider updating the BIOS to the latest version plus a clean reload of the driver.  The driver may be important in this example as Turing has importannt differences and could have been tested on only a limited number of systems and far fewer previous series.  It's early days for Turing /RTX and there may be 6 months or more of refinement.


HP Recommended

anybody else tried to use a rtx card


maybe my  rtx card is broken or my 6->8 pin adapter are broken or somewhat  I dont have the newest bios for the z620 or maybe just my rtx card needs a new bios



as the 1080 and 1080ti are working flawless I am real disappointet from hp so not clear the situation up


all the countless hours I am wasting now to address this mess I am blaming hp


so anybody else can try a rtx card on a Z620

maybe somebody from hp can clear that up


nvidia rtx is mayjor issue and roadblock which does look hp in a very bad light 

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