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HP Recommended

were you running the workstation or consumer version of advisor? and was it the latest?


this is the link to the workstation ver try downloading this and reinstall it



HP Recommended

running workstation version 2.1.3103.0


downloaded and rerun and it freezes while displaying "interrogating platform". I do have a second Z420 runing on a E5-1620 with 12GB ram, same gpu and it does not lock up. So with a slower cpu and less ram in another box, it does not freeze

HP Recommended

have  you added any pcie cards, or printers?


did you install 3rd party antivirus? (this can cause issues) try turning off antivirus when perf monitor is running


do you get any specific error messages?

HP Recommended

any good news with this problem? I have same problem

HP Recommended

Same issue here on Z820 running Windows 10. All fresh install, no anti-virus loaded. System didn't do this behaviour when I first started using it however since recent refreshes of Windows 10 it has begun this freezing. No other apps are doing this and similarly there's nothing to report in Event viewer. I'm sure I've changed something in the Bios which could be doing this - or is it something we can patch in Windows ?

HP Recommended

I am currently experiencing the same problem since the Windows 10 update of April 2019 on a Z420 Workstation. On the October 2018 update and with the same hardware configuration, HP Performance Advisor ran successfully.

HP Recommended

I am experiencing the same issue on my Z820. To get around the problem, disconnect from the Internet and run Performance Advisor. It works without connecting to the Internet. There is something causing the program to crash while it is accessing HP's database. The program will complain that you're not connected to the Internet, but that's okay

HP Recommended

I tried disconnecting form the internet...  my computer immediately crashed when I tried to run the program.  No warnings, just a very fast restart of my Z840... Performance Advisor definitely doesn't like Windows build 1903.     

HP Recommended

Same problem with my Z440.

While the HP Performance Advisor starts it crashes the computer.

HP Recommended

I have two Workstation, one Z820 and Z840. I am currently experiencing the same problem since the Windows 10 update of April 2019 on Z840 Workstation, while the HP Performance Advisor starts, it crashes the computer (restart). Instead I have no issues with Z820 (same build of windows an same version ao HP PA), HP Performance Advisor ran successfully.

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