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Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

I'm using a desktop z200 with win7 Pro and Media Center to record Public Digital Antenna TV shows. My goal is to turn off my cable bill. To save on power, I hibernate after 60 minutes. I have scheduled all win 7 processes to trigger during prime time hours. The  bios is dated 2017.


I'm unable to get the Z220 to come out of hibernation with a mouse or keyboard click. I use a blue tooth mouse and keyboard. I also have tested a hard wired mouse and key board. I have the z200 in a cabinet, to keep my grand children away from the wires. I have reviewed the bios setting like "wake on LAN" and I have enabled them, but none have allowed the mouse to wake the z200 from Hibernation. I have tested with a USB mouse and mouse plugged into the round mouse port

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I was hoping someone would have a suggestion to wake up the Z220. Is there a BIOs upgrade needed? Why won't a hard wired mouse wake up the Z220? I'd like to wake up the Z220 with a mouse or the IR remote for the Hauppauge Tv Tuner. Neither wake up the Z220.  Currently the only thing that wakes up the z220 is to unlock the cabinet and press the power button. (Its in a locked cabinet to keep my grandchildren from pulling the wires off the PC)


Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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windows Hibernation does not allways work as it should some people can't enable it and others like you can't come out of it


it's been my experence that the root cause is usually a windows task that is preventing it from being enabled and a crashed or hung task that prevents wakeup


my best advice is to backup all data, and reinstall windows, (skip media pack for now) then before any service packs/ms updates check Hibernation and  see if it works. if so make a system restore point and install any service packs and again test and make a restore point if it works

now do all of the other windows updates in small batches of 10 to 20 updates and again test/restore point continue till all updates applied or a batch prevents Hibernation then narrow down the batch of updates to locate the problem file


usually all of the MS updates wil apply and Hibernation will still work, if so now do the media center, and test again this time you may have a issue if so let me know if not do the applications one by one again doing restore snapshots each time till everything is installed


bottom line, a clean reinstall will usually fix any Hibernation issues

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DGroves is right..... a clean reinstall may be needed.  It is, however, a PITA.


I'd be willing to help you with a sequence of possible alternatives, one at a time, to include BIOS update, BIOS settings and a few added items.  Or, you may wish to start with a reinstall......

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 Thank You and DGroves for your suggestion. I did do a clean win7 Pro install of my z220. There were over 172 updates. My media center recordes 3-4 shows a day. To wipe out everything and do a hibernation test on 172 updates would take months...


1) I could buy a z220 power button and install it with remote wiring. That could take a week.

2) Your suggestion of installing a few BIOs updates, could also be done in a week. I'm looking for fixes that could be done in 1 week but not ones that take 8 weeks. (missing 224 shows)


What is the Bios update sequence that you are recommending?


Back to solution 1),  I'm still looking for a z220 hardware contact because my first attempt to soder a momentary power switch, in parallel,  failed to start the z200. Dragon-fur suggested that I open a ticket on my z220 to get to a hardware contact. I tried this, but since my z220 is out of warranty no ticket was accepted. If I can find an actual z220 momentay power switch, I might be able to implement a hardware solution without talking to a hardware expert.

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I did not tel you to do a system restore snapshot after every update i told you to do so after every batch of updates how many you wish to include in each batch is up to you but i would do them in groups of 50


please do not attempt to make this harder than it actually is, while a full reinstall/patch update is time consuming it almost allways resolves the problems


if "SDH" wishes to attempt to determine which driver/task is the offending one on your system preventing hybernation he will reply. i personally do not wish to spend hours trying to track it down when i know a reinstall will usually consume less time in the long run



you can also buy a new 120GB Kingston A400 SSD from amazon and reinstall the OS, leaving your original disk untouched as a way to see if a reinstall resolves your problems

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Regarding the idea of a remote power switch..... the part you seek is 645332-001.  Go to google and search for Z220 spare parts.  You'll find a CMT entry from HP for your Z220 and near the top is the power switch and its part number.  Those usually include an ambient air temp sensor.  Go look at them on eBay and via google images.  The wiring HP uses is pretty standard for all these workstations and that includes even the wire colors.  You'll need to do that decision making of what you want remotely..... LED lights are included in that switch.  Only two wires are for the on/off button.  That same part number was used in other workstations.


Re software.... I was talking BIOS update and BIOS settings.  If you want to know how to most safely update BIOS and exactly what our settings are for our Z420/Z620 I can help with that.    I believe the settings are very similar to your workstation.  Maybe you have some off from what they should be.  It all depends on what you want

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