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    Need Windows 11 help?
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Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks.
HP Recommended
HP Pavilion Elite HPE-500f Desktop PC
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

Using old desktop (originally purchased w/Win7-updated dozen times to

current version of W10;  waiting upon availability of new desktop (w/W11).

How does some 'techno-inept' transfer most/all 'innards' from old pc to new

one after purchase??  Both Best Buys/Geek Squad in my area are closed  for

renovations and MicroCenter techs speak a foreign language.  Is there safe,

idiot-proof method to accomplish this feat? (think of an OleGrumpyBazzerd

that usually corrals one of his grandkids to pull him out of technical 'incidents')

HP Recommended



There are few ways depending on your needs. Please use the following Guides








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