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I have a Dc7800pS9 Small Form Factor HP Serial Number: [edited]

HP Part Number GQ650AW#ABA

I am attempting a processor upgrade Intel Q9550 to reach the potential that the computer has to offer. I know I should flash.  I am using these files that I have searched out through HP to complete the process.

ROM Firmware for HP Compaq dc7800 (786F1)


Microcode Update for HP 786F BIOS Family Computers with Intel Processors


Intel Active Client Manager HECI Device Driver


Business Desktops BIOS Utilities


I’m hoping that I have the proper files to complete the process. I have figured out how to make a USB bootable using rufus-2.18 so herein lies the issue that I am now having.

Once I’ve gotten into dos… what commands do I do to complete the flash? It’s been a headache and I really need this done and to understand this.

I install the Microcode update and the installer installs the files here: C: swsetup

I grabbed the files and then I add them to my flash drive that I just made bootable for the procedure.


These are the files in the Microcode installer from a distance:

Dos Flash (This is a folder)

History (Text Document)

How to Use (Text Document) (Which I don’t understand)

Logo (Graphics Interchange Format image)

Micro Code Flash (Chrome HTML Document)

SP51245.cva (CVA File)

SP51245 (Chrome HTML Document)

SP51245 (Text Document)


Dos Flash Folder includes these files down below:

ASSIGNPW (Application)

DOSFM (Text Document)

FlashBin (Application)

Flashbin (Text File)

Patch.opt (OPT File)

README (Text Document)

U7F_0114.BIN (BIN File)        


I don’t know how to get to the FlashBin application or whatever I need to get to. Can somebody help?!!

I need you guys!.. And thank you all much in advance.

Refferenced Links used:




HP Recommended



Do any of the files you downloaded actually run, and either do the updates or create a USB stick?


Have you tried the HP software to search and install updates etc...


SoftPaq Download Manager4.4.004/20/2018sp87158
System Software Manager3.2.11.104/02/2018sp85672


Hopefully more later.

HP Recommended



S:\tmp tmp>dir
 Volume in drive S is StorageArea
 Volume Serial Number is A8E1-438A

 Directory of S:\tmp tmp

11/05/2018  10:17    <DIR>          .
11/05/2018  10:17    <DIR>          ..
11/05/2018  10:17    <DIR>          DOS Flash
06/12/2010  10:54             1,244 history.txt
01/12/2010  14:45               625 How to Use.txt
15/04/2003  13:30               846 logo.gif
06/12/2010  10:56             9,656 Micro Code Flash.htm
07/12/2010  13:09             1,887 SP51245.cva
11/05/2018  10:14           393,384 sp51245.exe
07/12/2010  13:09             3,031 SP51245.html
07/12/2010  13:09             2,418 SP51245.txt
               8 File(s)        413,091 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  182,575,759,360 bytes free


 Directory of S:\tmp tmp\DOS Flash

11/05/2018  10:17    <DIR>          .
11/05/2018  10:17    <DIR>          ..
08/06/2005  08:53            27,660 ASSIGNPW.EXE
06/07/2010  09:45             2,841 DOSFM.txt
12/08/2010  14:52            54,611 FlashBin.exe
01/12/2010  15:01             2,818 Flashbin.txt
15/11/2010  15:20            10,505 patch.opt
03/12/2010  16:55               922 README.TXT
02/12/2010  15:40            65,536 U7F_0114.BIN
               7 File(s)        164,893 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  182,575,759,360 bytes free


And I think that this is too much for me to try and talk you thru.


So I await someone else to take over.

HP Recommended

Hi, @TheWise1


You do not need the last two items you listed to install the processor you want.


Intel Active Client Manager HECI Device Driver


Business Desktops BIOS Utilities


Sometimes updating the BIOS to the latest version works, and it is the easiest thing to do.


However, updating the Microcode almost always works and it is not necessary to update the BIOS.


Do you have the Q9550 installed now and are getting the microcode error, or are you planning to update the BIOS and Microcode prior to installing the Q9550?


Either way, here is how you update the BIOS the easiest and safest way.


Download and run sp73582.  An information page will open.




Read the instructions under the:   F10 Setup BIOS Flashing section.


Get a USB flash drive, and format it with the FAT32 file system.


Click on the View Contents of DOS Flash Folder at the bottom of the F10 Setup BIOS Flashing section.


Copy the file contents of the DOS Flash Folder to your USB flash drive.


Restart the PC, and tap the F10 key to get access to the BOS.


Select the File tab, Flash System ROM command.


Select the USB flash drive.


The PC should see the file contents on the flash drive.


Follow the on screen instructions to update the BIOS.


Updating the microcode is complicated, but I have simplified the process for you below...


I zipped up and attached the utility to make a bootable flash drive below, the DOS command files you will need, as well as the dc7800 microcode update files.


You make a bootable flash drive first by running sp27608.


After the utility has formatted the drive and made it bootable, copy the DOS system files to the flash drive, then copy the dc7800 Microcode update flash files to the flash drive.


Copy just the files in the folders, not the folders.


Restart the PC with the flash drive plugged in, and the PC should boot to the usb flash drive.


The PC should arrive at a command prompt.


At the command prompt, type Flashbin.exe and hit the enter key.


Follow the on screen instructions to update the microcode.





HP Recommended

@Paul_Tikkanen@  wrote:

Either way, here is how you update the BIOS the easiest and safest way.

Download and run sp73582.  An information page will open.


Read the instructions under the:   F10 Setup BIOS Flashing section. 


Or, when running that downloaded SP73582, the folder named: C:\SWSETUP\SP73582 will be created, and a web-browser window will open, to show:



Windows BIOS Flashing


HPQFlash.exe is a utility which is designed to flash the System BIOS within a Windows environment.

To display the available options for this utility enter [Path]\HPQFlash -?.

If the system has a Setup password enabled, then HPQFlash will prompt for the password to be entered before completing the flash process.

For more information, view ReadMe.txt or HPQFlash.txt, both located in the HPQFlash folder.

If you wish to update your BIOS using HPQFlash, click the link below.

If prompted with a File Download dialog box, please select "Open" or "Run from current location".



So, there is no need to prepare a USB memory-stick, since the BIOS update can be done by running this application within the Windows environment.  Unless, of course, you have several identical computers, and want to create the USB memory-stick for deployment on all of those computers.




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