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Z230 SFF : G1X51ET
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

I got a Z230 SFF (G1X51ET) with 8 GB DDR3 ram but don't know if it's ECC or none ECC.


What type does the G1X51ET contain, is it always the same type that gets shipped ?


Or how can I check that myselvess ?  Nothing found in the BIOS nor in Windows system.





Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

You may download HP Performance Advisor and run it on your Z230, then read the configuration report and find out what type of memory DIMM's are installed.

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

Trianon, welcome to the forum.


Here is the information from Page 19 of the Maintenance and Service Guide for the computer:


Dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs) based on DDR3 1600 MHz technology
Supports error checking and correcting (ECC) and non-ECC DIMMs
Two direct-attach memory channels enable low-latency access and fast data transfer for improved
Up to 32 GB system memory (8 GB DIMMs)
1600 MHz 2, 4, 8 GB ECC unbuffered DIMM
1600 MHz 2, 4, 8 GB
non ECC unbuffered DIMM


Here is the guide so you can see for yourself.


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I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
HP Recommended

I know the Z230 supports both type of memory but you can't mix !


So I wanted to add an extra 8 GB to the already installed 8GB, now I need to know if the 8GB (2x4GB DIMM) installed by HP when shipped is of the ECC or the non ECC type !


The HP website on the G1X51ET version I got is not clear, even more it states there would also be a keyboard in the package but there isn't one included when I got it.


So I'm asking to HP what type (ECC or non ECC) thy have installed in the G1X51ET version of the Z230 then teh factory ?


On the DIMM I found : SAMSUNG 4GB 1R8 PC3-12800U-11-13-A1                CT:RDRLH4LS29FNN6  PN: 698650-581



I can't find these part numbers on the HP website, so I don't know what to order to upgrade the memory ?

Must I get 2x A2Z48AA (4GB DDR-1600 ECC) or 2x B1S54AA (4GB DDR-1600 nonECC)  ?


HP Recommended

You may download HP Performance Advisor and run it on your Z230, then read the configuration report and find out what type of memory DIMM's are installed.

HP Recommended

Can I use HP Performance Advisor on a Windows 10 pro system ?


Yes I did already update from 8.1 to 10.

HP Recommended

Thank you for the additional information.


Well, personally I wouldn't mix memory types.  It is never a good idea.  There is always a possibility of a conflict.  In fact, even mixing memory brands can cause problems.  You could try it, but there are no guarantees.


Please click the Thumbs up + button if I have helped you and click Accept as Solution if your problem is solved.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
HP Recommended



HP Z Workstation series October 2015 Software Refresh (Windows 7/10) - PSG


URL: http://h20564.www2.hp.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c04816931&sp4ts.oid=6978828


it may be understood from that announcement that HP Performance Advisor Version 1.8.7922.0 or later

may be compatible with Windows 10 64-bit, even though HP Z230 series workstations are not preinstalled with Windows 10. The same  HP Performance Advisor Version 1.8.7922.0 or later is preinstalled in other major HP workstations with Windows 10 64-bit and there it is expected to perform well.


In my view this is not 100 % certain, but it may be worth trying, since HP Performance Advisor is a good, stable HP application that has not been known to overload  pc's.

HP Recommended

Latest version of the tools works perfectly on the Z230 Windows10 Pro.


btw : RAM is non ECC because of the i7 !

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