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When I downloaded magic disc it actually worked to show my dvd drive again..but drive still not functioning.  I got excited since this was only solution I found after weeks of looking that at least did something to bring drive up...But when I put disc in it spins and does nothing. 


Honor Student
Posts: 2
Member Since:‎10-02-2011

Finally i found this post and it worked.



RE: I know this is a really old post but I found a solution for my computer that I didn't find on the internet.  My DVD drive wouldn't show up in the device manager either.  I tried drivers, deleted the upper and lower registry files...changing dvd drives...I tried everything I could find on the internet to fix this problem..and nothing worked.  Today I download MagicISO and MagicDisc to burn an .iso image...I guess the virtual drive installed a driver when I installed MagicDisc...my DVD burner is working now and showing up in the device manager as well as my virtual drive and I am running Windows 7 on a DV9000 HP pavillion notebook.  I hope anyone else reading this with this problem is able to solve thier issue with this solution. I have been searching for months!!!  GoodLuck!



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