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Upon turning on my Pavillion P7-1262, I receive 8 beeps with amber lights flashing.   That is due to corrupted BIOS.  There is a BIOS recovery connector on the motherboard, but I', not sure how to receover the BIOS.

Please advise. 


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            You can try reseting the CMOS battery once and the below link is the layout of your motherboard.









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I had all ready done that.  The bios become corrupted due to a failed bios update.   I see that there is a bios recovery connector that is 4 rows of two pins with the first two pins jumped.  I'm assuming if I figure out how that works, it will restore my original bios.

HP Recommended

There are 4 headers on the motherboard that may have the effect you are looking for, however HP will not share their exact function with us.


Flash override connector
One touch reset connector
One touch recovery connector
BIOS recovery connector


The BIOS or ROM recovery header appears to be the one your are referring to. From a technical stand point, it is an SPI header for programing the BIOS Flash PROM. HP's website states "This connector allows qualified technicians to reload firmware into the SPI boot flash in case there is problem with the data. This jumper should not be changed." I traced the leads and verified the connection to my BlackCat JTAG/SPI programmer but I was unable to see the SPI Flash PROM with it.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


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I know this is late. But did you ever figure out a fix?
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