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The HP Community is where owners of HP products, like you, volunteer to help each other find solutions.
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OMEN 30L Desktop - GT13-0024

my device is out of warranty unfortunately, i had bought this desktop in 2020 from best buy on an open box it lasted all of 3 weeks before, rtx 2060 died and  i left it alone for over an year, and lost my warranty, i need help, the system will post and will do any thing but play videos or games windows works fine, but once a load is applied it dies! complete system failure hard shut down, i put a gtx 980 in it to test power supply and it works just fine, took rtx 2060 apart and replaced thermal paste and this is what i found! and i do not thave the money to replace the card,the gaps in between the heat pipes is what caused, the gpu to fail, the thermal paste is not adequate enough to fill the gapsthe gaps in between the heat pipes is what caused, the gpu to fail, the thermal paste is not adequate enough to fill the gaps   

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You will have to replace the graphics card.


HP provides a one year warranty in the USA unless you buy an extended Care Pack prior to device failure.

HP Recommended


my device is out of warranty unfortunately, i had bought this desktop in 2020 from best buy on an open , i put a gtx 980 in it to test power supply and it works just fine, took rtx 2060 apart and replaced thermal paste and this is what i found! and i do not thave the money to replace the card,  

You can't afford to replace it, so if it currently works with the graphics card you tested, what more can we tell you!
If you have the possibility, try the graphics card in another computer, which meets the requirements!
Either the card is working, in which case you may have a problem with the power of your power supply
either you will have the same problem, in this case, the graphics card is most likely defective, probably irreparable at a lower cost!

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Windows 11 22h2 inside , user

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