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OMEN Desktop PC - 870-230ng
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

My Omen Control software suddenly no longer changes the LED colour. No matter what I set it to, it remains on the original lighting mode (Color Show)


I have version 1.1.1 at the moment, but cannot find any newer version.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
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The 870 series uses the Omen Control Center, not Command Center for lighting control.

I dont know why HP doesnt make the Control Center easily searched and downloaded from the drivers pages.


It may be a Windows update thats skewed the control center as a few others have mentioned it also.

I dont have an answer at the moment. It may be that we are waiting for an updated version that will only be found through the HPSA. Ill ask the powers to be if there is a new version to install. Ill chime back if I find out something.


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Indeed the Command Center is useless on my machine, I even tried it out of desperation but uninstalled it as it has no functionality that I can use, but thanks for your response all the same @old_geekster.


Well weirdly it all started working again after a restart, I am not sure what I did to fix it because I installed and uninstalled a number of things (always a bad idea I know).


That said, a new version is always a good thing @Photoray002, so it would be nice to hear back if you do indeed find out something.

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Ah that's interesting, perhaps that combination is what I accidentally ended up with that caused it to work. I will have a look when I am next sitting at my machine. Thanks @Krzemien.

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Thats nice and all, thanks. But HP needs to make the control center easily downoadable and not have to rely on the built in reocvery partition to find them. Some people dont have the reocvery.

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I will rephrase: What HP needs to do is to ensure that whatever newer version of something they release it does work and correctly with whatever other components that are needed. As proven here that's not the case.

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