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I have a Polycom RealPresence Group 500 codec and try to control it from a Crestron CP3 system. I can get the standard controls to work both through RS232 and IP (like dialing and camerac controls). But the "Local Adressbook" and "Global Adressbook" does not seem to work at all.

I use software 4.2.0-11309 software on the codec and uses the Crestron module "Polycom RealPresence Group Series v2.4".


I see that someone had commented on the Crestron Market Place that there are some issues with this adressbook function. Has anyone got it to work?


First off all there are some definitions to be made clear: Is the "Favorites" on the group series the same as "Local adressbook" on the Crestron? If not, where do I find either the "Favorites" from Crestron, or where do I find the "Local adressbook" on the RPG500?


I also read that you need to have more than 20 entries in the adressbook to get it to work. I have entered 25 in the favorite list but still nothing.

It does seems like the Crestron module is not sending the command to the codec at all (viewing the traffic from Crestron Toolbox SIMPL Debugger) when I activate the "Get adressbook" line.


From the API I can find the command "addrbook" and when I manually send it to the codec, the codec reply with something, but I have no idea how to deal with the reply that I get back from the codec. I had hoped that the Crestron module would fix that...


Has anyone got this adressbook/favorites to work?

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I found out after som try and errors that there are something fishy with the Crestron module for RPG systems. 

I got the module to work from the demo program most of the time, but not always. Not sure why it is noe fetching the adress book when you activate the "Get_Adress_Books" line. Anyway I found a way around it by using my own Serial I/O and entering the command "addrbook names all size\x0D\x0A" into this and send this one time each night and/or after Crestron system reboots.

And now the adress books works just fine every time.

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Hey Oyvind_steinnes i have been having the toughest time getting these rpg addressbook issues to go away. I see the addressbook being polled in simple debugger but the entries are never saved to the module. i have tried the 'gaddrbook all' command but i cant get the entries to save to the module. 


have you had any experience with the rpg global addressbook yet?

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With newest Polycom Group v6.1.6 still experiencing the same problem with Global address book (mainly those are Skype for Business names) retrieving by Crestron management.

Now it's impossible to search the directory and call SfB address using Crestron.

And this is big problem for our customer... 


Are there any updates from Polycom and Crestron sides (whoever is responsible for this feature to work)?

Are there any workarrounds that community members could kindly share with me?




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