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HP Recommended
ProBook 450 G6
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

One week after the product warranty ended, my ProBook G6 laptop (less than 6 months old) suddenly died and smelled of electrical smoke after brief use (~30 min. of normal CPU demands). I removed the back cover and battery asap and found the culprit. The SSD cable had shorted to the case and melted the insulation and part of the actual wiring. Part of the plastic case had even melted. After removing the SSD, the computer still booted up, suggesting the motherboard is still functioning properly. I'm hoping I can just replace this SSD SATA cable to retrieve my files (if the SSD is not completely fried). Any suggestions on locating the cable in question: "X8K 15 HDD Cable" ?fullview.jpg


I found what looks to be a replacement on ebay (https://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-ProBook-450-G6-HDD-SSD-Sata-Adapter-SSD-Socket-Cable-original/1435546979...) but I was hoping to get one domestically to ship faster.




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