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Thank you!

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Your are welcome, @jhughey!  We will appreciate hearing how things go.  It is good to get feedback from members who have the expertise to do what you are doing.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
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Final chapter in this adventure:  I decided to restore the original 1 TB Hard Disk back to the Omen and keep it in pristine condition.   I moved the W7 OCZ SSD back to my dual-boot HDX-18, and I am older and a teeny bit wiser for the experience.


The Omen has been really nice, and I keep it in my briefcase to take with me when I tutor.


The HDX stays at home, making itself useful as connected to the world for my Email, lesson planning, etc.  I no longer have to shut it down, pack up  everything to take with me.    I put up with the frequent power-offs, but now I am looking at a motherboard replacement as a possible remedy.   I will post this as a separate question.


Windows 10 Home & Student have done well, but it is *very annoying to shutdown after a session, only to learn that Microsoft has captured my personal property for installing its updates.   I guess one day I will install the Professional Version of W10.


Thanks again for all the advice.  Hope I can help you or pass it forward someday.

HP Recommended

Glad to hear the Omen is working out good for your job. I assume whatever tutoring programs you use, are working with W10 after all.


it is *very annoying to shutdown after a session, only to learn that Microsoft has captured my personal property for installing its updates.   I guess one day I will install the Professional Version of W10.


Quick FYI...  Yes I agree. Although "W10 Pro" has the Group Policy Editor,  its adjustments for blocking the W10 upgrades are not working as some tutorials might suggest. This has been since the Creators Updates last Nov.

Example...   More reading...



HP Recommended

@jhughey, thank you for the nice update!  We are glad to hear that things are working for you.


All is well, that ends well!!

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
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