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I need to update BIOS on my notebooks.

I used my second computer to creat  a BIOS recovery drive on my USB.

I used this way:
Recovering the notebook BIOS using an external storage device



I download recommended version:

After step "5. In the Location to Save Files window, click Change."

The HP System BIOS Update Utility DOSENT opens and i have 2 errors:


1.IHISI: Get support mode fail in SMI!  1.jpg

2. BIOS did not support InsydeFlash!  2.jpg

Please help me.

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Welcome to the HP Forums 🙂

I would like to take a moment and thank you for using this forum, it is a great place to find answers.


As I understand you are having issues updating BIOS and you cannot create a BIOS recovery drive on the usb due to the ERROR,

I've gone through the entire description and found a related HP Forums post during my research to find you Fix, please Click here for details.


You should also find these details on the same link for HP BIOS Application Selected Is Corrupt or MissingError: System BIOS image is invalid or corrupt


If I have helped you resolve the issue, feel free to give me a virtual high-five by clicking the 'Thumbs Up' icon below, 

Followed by clicking on "Accept as solution" from the drop-down menu on the upper right corner,

Thank you for posting in the HP Support Forum.  Have a great day!


I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

The HP insydeflash utility to creat a flash USB for BIOS update only works on HP's computers.  However, when your BIOS have problem, you cannot boot your computer and obivously you need to use another computer to run this utility, and which is most likely not a HP computer!!!!!  That's why we all encounter this problem!!!


Finally, i found the solution in this youtube: https://youtu.be/O2W6FZ64dmI


Follow the instruction on the youtube to extract the bios file.  Then use the HP's UEFI interface to flash it.  You may need to create a UEFI flash usb and copy the bios files to the flash usb.


It spent me a whole day to figure it out!  I hope it can help the others!

HP - COMPAQ bios file utility for laptop repair technician Download insydeflash from telegram https://t.me/ariesdownload/17
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