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HP Recommended
HP 14-fq0000 Laptop PC (9VN13AV)
Microsoft Windows 11

Currently getting a Hard Disk 2 (302) error. Tried looking it up, but seems like only a Hard disk 1 (301) is common. It restarts after 5 minutes to a blue screen; sometimes 30 minutes. The screen says F2: System Diagnostics. Also System service Exception 

HP Recommended

This is a fairly new system.  You should not have these problem unless an update from Microsoft or a 3rd party caused it.

Please check your warranty

If in warranty then

1) Click on this link -
2) Select your product type below.
3) Enter the serial of your device.
4) Select the country from the drop-down.
5) Select the chat or get phone number options based on your preferences.
6) Fill the web form and proceed further.

If not in warranty try an Air Duster

Unplug from wall, remove battery (if removable).  Open the access to the memory so as to get the air pressure to blow from inside to outside through the vents.  Go all over every opening to get the dust out.

Remove memory and use duster agian.

Reassemble and see if it works better.

Tap the ESC key after powering on and run diagnostics.

Please make a note of the board id, BIOS version and date of version

Also post the product ID.  The ID can tell if a cloud restore is possible.

If a bios update is required then the system needs to be stable. A blue screen every few minutes is not stable and can ruin the laptop if it happens during a bios update.

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