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I have Installed Ubuntu alongside windows 10 by a startup from USB and It is installed perfectly and I got reboot now option. When I rebooted nothing happened and Windows automatically boots itself.

UEFI Firmware setting is not opening when tried from Recovery>Advance Start-up>Restart now>UEFI Firmware setting>Restart.

After pressing restart nothing happens and windows automatically boots.

Tried pressing ESC,F9,F10,F11. after a few key press, a beep sound comes in a blank screen and after few minutes windows boots.

There is no grub menu through which I can select Ubuntu and boot into Ubuntu.

There is no UEFI Firmware setting appearing itself or by pressing any key.

Help me I want to boot into Ubuntu.

HP Recommended


How many boot managers do you have?

F5/F6 may re-arrrange the sequence.

NOT boot devices.  I have 5 and OpenSuSE is first, Microsoft second etc.


So is your Grub bootloader second on the list?

HP Recommended

I have only one boot manager. I am not getting Grub and I am not able to see BIOS from Troubleshoot->UEFI Firmware setting(not booting after selection restart in there)

Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 3.51.40 PM.pngI selected Internal Hard Disk  or SSD(column-2 row-2)I selected Internal Hard Disk or SSD(column-2 row-2)Ubuntu starts to boot but stops here.Ubuntu starts to boot but stops here.

HP Recommended


You say only 1 boot manager, so did you remove the Microsoft one?


"When I rebooted nothing happened and Windows automatically boots itself."


How? Why?  Is it the default in Grub, very unlikely.


"There is no grub menu through which I can select Ubuntu and boot into Ubuntu."

So where was grub installed to?


How was ubuntu added the the Microsoft Boot Manager?

HP Recommended

It is booting default in  Windows.

I think the grub is not installed by itself after installing Ubuntu.

I installed Ubuntu by making a bootable USB drive. (the Ubuntu boots from the USB drive started Installation from USB and when the Installation is completed It asked to reboot but after reboot, it boots in Windows.)


Check the issue here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1137589/uefi-firmware-setting-not-opening-itself-and-grub-menu-is-no... 

HP Recommended

So we are back to how many boot managers you have.

Can you screenshot the evidence like I did.


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