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first of all i must say that i am really dissapointed in your lack of updating old laptops with the newest drivers

specially AMD graphic cards which in my case AMD Radeon 8750M, it hasn't been updated for 2 years and 3 months now! (since sep 2015 and now we are in jan 2018)

that's the only driver that you guys should care about most, because it can't be updated directly through AMD site that's because it must be prepared and provided by the vendor (HP) to work properly! 

anyway the problem is whether i am using 8.1 or 10, the driver update you provided has the same version and same problems!


First problem is BSOD every time i restart the device, then i searched here for a suitable solution with no avail, so I completely ignored it and moved on like it was nothing (keep in mind that BSOD is in both 10 and 8.1)

it's similar to the photo below:




Second problem is game crashes, everytime whether I use Windows 10 or 8.1 the same problem exists, some games work fine without problems but other "let's say" heavier games cause crashes inspite of my laptop meets their requirements to run the game so that's not the problem here, problem is that some game crashes because of a problem in AMD and then a message appear at the toobar which says: Display driver stopped responding and has recovered:




but when I use Intel instead the game works fine without crashes or anything but absolutely more sluggish and painful to watch.


Third problem is kind of peculiar, it happens only with Windows 10, games have screen tearing similar to this:



(not my photo but it should clarify what i wanna say)

So that was one of the reasons why I moved to windows 8.1 because it doesn't suffer from such problem!


so please i want a conducive and decisive solution to my problems, keep in mind that I switched between both OS (10 and 8.1)  because i thought it's something related to OS, but whether it's 10 or 8.1 results are the same and problems still exist.

I have uninstalled and installed AMD catalyst cleanly several times even in safe mode and nothing was beneficial


all i want to know is will HP support or technical team grant us a new AMD Radeon 8750M update for all windows versions?


or i'll simply ditch my laptop cause i really got fidgety!


Thanks in advance.

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