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 issue with my Pavilion HP 15-cw0509sa with Ryzen 2500U and BIOS update to F.35 Rev.A . No NIC devices (wifi and ethertnet) after a long sleep.

I can't figure out if it is a BIOS update issue after update to F.35 Rev.A because I got this laptop recently and I have installed this latest BIOS version on first use, so I can't compare it to the original version and it isn't available to download.

HP Recommended



Welcome to HP support community.


Please follow the below steps: 

Step 1: Enabling the Keyboard in Windows 

Skip this step if the computer does not enter sleep mode or if the computer wakes unexpectedly. 

Follow these steps to enable your keyboard to wake your computer from sleep mode: 

  1. In Windows, search for and open the Device Manager. 

  2. Click the arrow next to Keyboards and double-click the name of your keyboard. 

  3. If the Power Management tab is available, proceed to the next step. 

If the Power Management tab is not available, click the Change Settings button if it appears below the Device status box. The same Keyboard Properties window opens with the Power Management tab available. 

If you are prompted for an Administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 

  1. Click the Power Management tab and make sure that the box next to Allow this device to wake the computer is checked. 

  2. Click OK, and then test to make sure that the keyboard can now wake the computer. If the computer still cannot wake from sleep mode, continue using these steps. 

  3. For instructions on how to update the BIOS of your computer, see one of the following HP support documents: Updating the BIOS (Notebooks) 

For more steps, please Click here 


Let me know how it goes.

To thank me for my efforts to help you, please mark my post as an accepted solution so that it benefits several others.


I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

I'm a poweruser and I've tried all your suggestion before post my issue. 

I've found similar issues on other systems that can be solved by disabling Deep Sleep State for "stability reasons", but this setting is not available on the BIOS of this laptop. There is also a recommendation to disable C6 power state in the BIOS settings, but again is not available on this laptop BIOS settings. So is there an alternative way to configure this Deep Sleep State setting? And also I could try to revert to the default factory BIOS version, but is not available for download. Any chance to get default version?


HP Recommended



You can perform a BIOS recovery to revert back to older BIOS.

Here are the steps:- Click here

I am an HP Employee

my testing
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