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HP Recommended
hp 245 g6

i am using hp 245 g6 so when i was install centos its wifi driver is not working and show an error no adapter found 

HP Recommended



Some or all of the following will be transferable to Red Hat.


Credit to Bapoumba, Ubuntu Forums
When troubleshooting wireless, it's important that your system is fully updated by opening a terminal, CTRL+ALT+T. Using a wired internet connection, please run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade

and reboot if necessary.

If the issues persist, it is recommended that you install pastebinit, by running:

sudo apt install pastebinit

This will enable the wireless script to, upon your approval, upload the obtained data to pastebin, creating at the same time a link to it in your terminal, permitting you to paste it to a forum thread.

Once that's done, download and run the wireless info script, which will gather information to help diagnose your system. You can run it using this command:

wget -N -t 5 -T 10 https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/raw/master/wireless-info && \
chmod +x wireless-info && \

It will create the file "wireless-info.txt" at the location it is run from, and depending on its size, an additional archive called "wireless-info.tar.gz". If you prefer, you can post the file directly to pastebin yourself. Sensitive information like MAC addresses and WPA/WEP keys are masked automatically.

If you aren't able to connect to the internet with the affected system, including via a wired connection, just navigate to this link and follow the instructions there on how to the run wireless script without an internet connection.

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