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I got this working 🙂 my HDD just showed up after I tried a blank one. Who knows why it didn't show up the first time I tried.


So now I have a 250GB SSD which runs windows at top speed, and a 1TB lump of storage. Pretty good for a laptop!


Thanks again for the detailed instructions, particularly those from RaymanForever. Pretty straightforward in the end, once my HDD actually appeared in windows.



Nashville, I would try and install windows on your msata. It will at least give you an idea of whether your laptop can see the drive, and whether you can boot from it. The speed boost with windows on an SSD is worth pursuing. It's significant. Good luck!

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Hi guys


I have a HP envy m6-K015dx.  I wanted to setup a mSATA and harddisk setup. I have been following the instructions given by LocutusOfBorg. They are great!

I installed the msata drive and cloned my Hard Disk on it. When i remove the hard disk and boot just using the msata, everything works perfect. now i want to change the boot order, so I enable legacy support and go in the boot order. I select boot from uefi file, but when i click on nothing shows up. Can anyone please tell me where I am going wrong becuase this is driving me nuts !

I am using won 10 education.




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Turab. .. you can't change the boot order. The BIOS is limited in that sense 😞

The Best you can do is put the EFI partition on the first drive and OS on the mSATA. You can boot from mSATA by saying boot from EFI file, then use bcdboot to put EFI files on the "first" drive.

EFI will load from first drive, OS files will load from mSATA. Hope that helps. I think it is F9 to bring up the menu that allows you to browse to the EFI file for your manual boot
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thanks for the quick reply. 

Thats the problem, when  i press f9 and select boot from efi file, it opens up the file explorer but there is nothing to select from there. there are no files to select. 


Can you please once again tell me what to do once I have copied the HDD to msata. do I just clean the HDD and create a efi partition on it or is there some step before this?


thanks a lot.


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DarkHell's post has some images to show you what it should look like..


F9-> Boof From EFI File-> You should see a File Explorer with 2 or more drives (pasting DarkHell's screenshot again)





Browse to EFI\BOOT\bootx64.efi




If you don't see these files on either drive, then you didn't clone your disk entirely, because you probably cloned only one of the partitions on the disk. Once you are booted using the EFI partition on the mSATA drive - you can then use bcdboot to put the EFI files on the first disk.


Do you see the volumes under file explorer after pressing F9 and selecting boot from EFI file? If not - please post screenshots. If you see 2 volumes.. go into the second one and browse around to see if you have a similar directory structure (EFI\Boot)

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What form factor SSD are you using in your notebook? I have a HP Pavilion 15 Notebook Series (Model 15-p233TU). I want to know if it has an SSD socket (M.2 or mSATA). The maintence manual for this notebook covers the entire Pavilion 15 and 17 series. It shows the removal procedure for removing an M.2 SSD and mentions part numbers 766594-001 and 766593-001, but it says that the M.2 SSD socket is optional. I do not know if my notebook has this option.


The illustration in the service manual has a picture of what looks like an M.2 SSD with two notches, which suggests that the SSD with B&M keys is supported, but I cannot find a definitive answer. Then there is the question of length. There are several M.2 formfactors: 2280, 2242, 2260. I would not know which is appropriate.


My motherboard is part number 799547-601 (System Board UMA i7-5500U W8PRO)


Can you please tell me the form factor of the SSD you have installed.


I have tried asking HP Chat Support but the guy got lost when I started talking about mSATA and M.2 formfactors.

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I have the same system i have newly buy samsung Msata drive. i am not an expert but i want to use my new msata ssd drive as a boot drive and also want to change the drive letter to c:

currently window is installed in both HDD & MSata SSD.

when i datached HDD drive my system booting from Msata.. I don't know what i do with this issue..

Thanks i am sure u are the right person who already solved this kind of mishaps..

appologize for mis..

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Hi I am trying to use your technic and im facing some problem. 


First step 1-6, work but i installed windows 8 the usual way (not cloning just using a windows 8 DVD with the HDD disconnected). And yes i restarted it and everything was fine.


Step 7 wasn't working,  so instead i plug a usb cd/dvd reader and put my windows 8 cd in. i then get these options:file exp 1.png


The second one going no where.

The first one being the Cd/DVD got me to th windows installation following your instruction: EFI->boot->bootX64.EFI witch got me to the installation process. From there, i got to command prompt and followed your indications, after all went well, it still wound't boot. i might be missing something but i did it more then once and it never booted.

I have an ENVY 15 model: 15-J054ca BIOS version F.65.


Can you help me?


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Your sulusion was a very good one, so thank you. But that does not remove the duty of the HP company to update the bios so it can allo swiching the boot devices. I don't it would be that hard for them.

But at the mean time your sulusion is the best RaymanForever 🙂

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I hope this posts since this particular post is marked as solved.


I have done steps 11 thru 24.  However, when I enter "Bcdboot c:\windows /s s:"  at the cmd prompt, I get the following message.    Failure when setting library system volume path.    


When I run diskmgmt.msc I can see the 😧 volume,  and the EFI volume.  However, I do not see a drive letter for The S: That I created in steps 17 18 and 19.  This step 19 I assume was the drive letter for the EFI volume.  Is this why I get that message?   If so how do I get around it?  




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