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Hi, I too encounter a similar problem with my HP envy 15. Apparently, it is indeed the Beats Volume control button that is caused the problem. What happened is that when my Beats adjustable volume button is depressed from the top, the computer does not start up. So what I did was, I used a sticky blue tack to sort of lift up the depressed Beast volume. After that the computer could again be started up. Hope this help.

HP Recommended

ManjunathTech, please help!

I'm stuck with Envy 15 3040NR that I cannot ship back to USA for repair-under-warranty. Hence I'm left to either local repair shops or fix it by myself.


The beats button is not sticked, I can press it and it makes a (click) sound, when I depress it, it goes back to normal. So the pressing/clicking sound shows it is ok.


I bought this laptop on May 2012, then - like everyone here - shut it down on night, but next day it never booted up.

However, today it did the following:

  1. Power adapter, battery, hard drive, and memory sticks are mounted & installed
  2. I pressed (power) button, white LED in power button lit up, also F12/wifi button, both for few seconds, then the caps lock button while LED started to flash
  3. but after 5 seconds the laptop went off, all LEDs are off
  4. It didn't show similar observation after I re-attempted to turn it on

To troubleshoot the problem:

  1. I took the A/C adapter, battery, hard drive, and memory dimms off
  2. pressed power button for 30 seconds
  3. plugged the A/C adapter
  4. then pressed on power button
  5. no LEDS turned on, only a single (buzz-buzz) sound in DVD drive area, but no fans is moving, Power LED is off, all LEDs are off, and nothing change

I only hope it is not the board (spare part motherboard = $400 .. 😞 .. ).


Please help me to go through the troubleshooting process to determine the defected part. I might be able to replace it locally.


Thanks Manjunath.

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Almost from the beginning I have had intermittent problems with turning on my HP Envy with the power button. Now after altering the volume control I cannot turn it on at all. I am really sick of these types of problems with PC's. Either its software or hardware and the mug that has to pay every time is the consumer. This is an expensive piece of hardware and I have had nothing but trouble switching it on. Now it appears to have given up all together. I bought it to work with - not to play games and not being able to use it is costing me dear. I cannot get at files that I prepared yesterday while I was travelling on the train. If this were a car or if HP was a serious company they would not be giving us bits of stupid advice that several seemingly normal people are clearly incapable of following. They would be recalling these computers in order to put these obviously well know problem right. If I now need to send my computer to a specialist or back to HP then all my sensitive information goes along with it. As far as I am concerned this is just another of those scandals that has beset the PC computer industry since I bought my first one almost twenty years ago.  I need help now not in two or three days or weeks or however long it takes for HP to sort themselves out.


HP Recommended

....I just bumped into this posting about the HP power up issues.  I have had the same problem since I first bought this laptop  when it was first released.   Your issue is NOT software!!!! Its an issue with the laptop itself...


Two things will help you out:


1. Make sure your pluged directly into the wall outlet and not a power strip, there is an supply issue with the cord itself.


2.  This lapop cannot hande humidity of any kind!!!! I live in Hawaii, boiught the laptop on the mainland and flew to the islands.  Wouldn't turn on. Flew back and suddenly it worked.



My solution was to buy a dehumidifyer, and any time the laptop wont wont turn on, I run the dehum. for ten minutes and voila! Problem solved.


I bought an SSD Macbook... (much happier now) now my hp is the dedicated movie/tv computer, because thats all its god for.... 😞

HP Recommended

I have a hp touchsmart envy 15 and ive had it a couple months now and all of a sudan when i go to turn the laptop on the screen stays black for about 24 seconds and then it shuts off. This is a $700.00 laptop and i would hate to have  to buy a new one, please help!!!


HP Recommended
I had this problem with my HP Envy and holding down the power button for 30 seconds got the machine booted up fine.
HP Recommended
Used my computer last night and left it on standby. This morning it is completely dead. The plug point is working but seems nothing will start it including usual press start key and mute etc., etc., please help
HP Recommended
I have a problem with my HP 15-r117ni note book. It does not want to display anything, only a navy blue screen but its on n applications are running on the background. Sometyms it displays nofications from the net. Plz help don't knw wat to do....
HP Recommended

Hi there MissBates, did you ever find a solution. Your issue sounds exactly like mine. 




HP Recommended
My beats button is up,wi-fi,power buttons are lit,screen remains black. What's a brother 2 do ??
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