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Hp pavilion Gaming laptop 15-ec2xxx

I want my Hp pavilion Gaming laptop 15-ec2xxx to charge only till 50 or 80% but it doesn't have the feature why is that? on other hand the other hp laptop have such feature in hp bios why can't you guys give this feature it very important and useful in long term




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Thank you for posting on HP Support Community.


Don't worry as I'll be glad to help,

To get the answer to this question, there is no option to limit the battery charge specifically to 80% however, the Battery Health Manager feature provides a number of options designed to improve battery longevity and performance.

Learn how to get the most service and life from your HP notebook battery by following these industry-wide suggested best practices. Click here: https://www.hp.com/in-en/shop/tech-takes/post/maximising-laptop-battery-life-tips ( refer to Battery care practices ) 


Hope this helps! Keep me posted for further assistance.
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I am an HP Employee

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