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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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First of all, excuse me for my English! I had a problem: I have updated laptop’s BIOS with F05 (original) to F06, and then to F14 and F1A. I haven't noticed improvement of productivity, however with new BIOS some games (like SW TFU II, for example) have ceased to be started. Whether it is possible to "be rolled away" on F05? If yes, as?


Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

Restart Notebook.

Press F2, go to BIOS management and then Roll back BIOS and check.

Reply if it works

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

"rolled back" just so you know what the proper english term is.




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HP Recommended

HP Pavilion dv6-6077er (LM602EA#ACB)

HP Recommended

Here are the only bios updates available from HP and that model, you can try to roll it back by installing the older version.






Main page for your model

HP Recommended

I tried to roll back by means of that is laid out on site HP, but after pressing on "APPLY UPDATE" its writes "THE SYSTEM BIOS UPDATE FAILED".

HP Recommended

You can try this:


Recover an Earlier Version of BIOS

I am an HP employee.

"I'm looking for a laptop that looks like it's wrapped in super-rich, smoothed out tangerine peels." -TheMusicMaker
HP Recommended

Sorry, but its also not work. BIOS peeps, and then reboots the same version.

HP Recommended

Depending on your skills, I have something you can check or have someone with advanced computer skills do for you.


The BIOS file you have for your computer,(the one you want to go back to), needs to be extracted to your hard drive.

Look for a file called "Platform.ini". Open it in notepad and look for a line like or similar to this:



;This flag is the switch of checking Bios Version. When flag is 1, utility will
;check Bios Version. If rom file Version is older than Bios, utility will display warnning
;message and close application. When flag is 0, utility won't check rom file version.


Note that some BIOS versions will have this setting at 1, which will close without updating BIOS.


Make sure it is set to 0 and save the file as is with same name in same place.


Now the Flash executable can be run and the BIOS update procedure will take place.

No need to recompress the files. Whatever you do dont change anything else in this file that you

dont know anything about or you may suffer the consequences of that action.


You may want to have someone with experience do this if this sounds at all confusing to you.


Hope this works !

HP Recommended

Sorry, but it's not a solution (it's not work!) :mansad:


To not launched SW TFU 2 it was added RAGE, and to this problems BIOS - freezing, freezing and “display driver has stopped working and has recovered (and once BSOD).


How still it is possible to "update" BIOS?

HP Recommended

Now not work:

  1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2;
  2. Rage;
  3. Stronghold 3!

Strange! On Intel HD 3000 Stronghold 3 works but on Radeon HD 6770M - isn't work!

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