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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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Hey there!


Some of the keys on my keyboard give weird reactions.

The left arrow key gives: 0 (and also goes to the left)

The right arrow key gives: 2 (and goes two characters to the right)

The delete key gives: 97 (and deletes the one in front)


Can anyone help me with this?


I've got a Probook 4510s HP laptop


- Martin

HP Recommended
Dear Customer,

Welcome and Thank you for posting your query on HP Support Forum

It looks like you are having issues with the Keyboard on your Notebook.
We will surely assist you with this.

Let’s start with a questions:
1. Was there any liquid split on the Notebook Keyboard
2. Is there any Dust settled on the Notebook Keyboard
3. Are there any Keys which are fallen off / Any Keys which are loose

Step 01. Click on the Start Button and go to Control Panel
Step 02. Open the Device Manager and expand the Keyboard from the list
Step 03. Right click on Standard PS/2 Keyboard and click on Uninstall
Note: This driver will get installed again automatically on your Notebook
Step 04. Please turn OFF the Notebook
Step 05. Un-plug the Power/AC Adapter and also remove the Battery too
Step 06. Press and Hold the Power Button of the Notebook for a full minute
Step 07. Now let's re-insert the battery back in and plug back the Power/AC Adapter
Step 08. Start the Notebook and keep tapping F10 Key during the startup to access the BIOS
Step 09. Once you get to the BIOS, Please press F9 or F5 Key[Model specific] to load setup defaults for the BIOS
Step 10. Use the arrow keys to say "YES" and hit enter
Step 11. Now let's press Esc/Escape Key. Save Changes and Exit - Yes
Step 12. Now please wait till the Unit loads the Windows Operating system

Please click on the below shown link to troubleshoot the issue with more ease

Last but not the least could you please check and verify if External USB Keyboard works fine or not?

Hope this helps, for any further queries reply to the post and feel free to join us again

**Click the KUDOS star on left to say Thanks**

Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

Thank You,
Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP
I am an HP Employee
HP Recommended

Hello ,


Delete key of my laptop is not working properly because of this some time arrow key making the issue ,

Keyboard some keys not working || HP2000-2120TU


Delete key is working but not properly.

when i press delete key it delete that file but after few minute and after that when i select any other file to open ... than it delete that file also..or many more file if i select to open that delete that also...

please provide me solution ...

Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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