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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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Stragely eough the same 2 keys are ot workig o my keyoard as you ca see y the missig letters


It seems strage to me that the exact same 2 letters word stop workig o my keyoard as o yours ad may others I have see examples of olie.


This correspods to eig almost immediately after my attery started givig errors whe reootig or startig up the laptop. I get a error that says the attery storage level is very low ad the attery wo't charge past 28% ow. It took days to get to 28%.


I am i the process of uistallig drivers for keyoard ad reistallig drivers from HP which seem to e older.


To make it more complicated I am o a HP oteook G56 1108CA usig Widows 10


I do't uy that it is the keyoard

HP Recommended

Hi @jeffak


Welcome to the HP Forums!


Thank you for posting your query in this forum, it's a great place to find answers.


I reviewed your post and I understand that you are having issues with the battery and the keyboard on your computer.


Don’t worry, we will work together to resolve this issue and It’s a pleasure to assist you in this regard.


In order that I may provide you with an accurate solution, I will need a few more details.

·         When was the last time the computer was working fine?

·         Have you made any software or hardware changes on the computer?

·         Have you performed any troubleshooting steps before posting?


Meanwhile, for the battery issue follow below steps.


Reinstalled Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery under device manager.


Here is how you do it.


Step 1: Click the Windows “Start” button and right-click “Computer.”

Step 2: Click “Manage,” then “Device Manager.”

Step 3: Click the “Batteries” section. A list of devices will appear.

Step 4: Right-click the “Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery” device and click “Uninstall.”

Step 5: Click the “Action” menu item and “Scan for Hardware Changes” to reinstall the driver.


Restart the computer and the issue should be fixed.


For the keyboard issue, follow the steps in the below article.




Let me know how it goes and you have a great day!


Take care.



I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

Thaks for your suggestios. As you ca see y my missig keys my b and n keys are still ot workig. Also I forget if I metioed previously ut my ctrl-c ctrl-v ctrl-a ctrl-z are ot workig either. Those keys ad comiatios seem to e all that does ot work o the keyoard. I am usig the oscree keyoard for aythig I really eed those letters for.


Also I am usig widows 10


I tried the suggestios you metioed ut they did ot seem to work.


·         When was the last time the computer was working fine?

almost a week ago whe the attery stopped chargig ad I started gettig a startup error that I ca show a image of if I ca attach to a private message or somethig


·         Have you made any software or hardware changes on the computer?

o hardware chages prior to thigs ot workig properly, oly trouleshootig ad fix attempts. There may have ee some software that I istalled or files I dowloaded aroud the same time coicidetally. I am goig to go ack ad look through all that ad delete aythig ot vital


·         Have you performed any troubleshooting steps before posting?

I tried ruig the trouleshooter i the cotrol pael ut it does ot pick up o the prolem with the keys. I also tried uistallig ad reistallig from hp the syaptic poitig drivers which seemed to iclude for the keyoard too ut to o avail.


For the attery if o other fix helps I may have to fid my origial attery for the oteook ad take advatage of the attery recall ad get my replacmet attery, right ow i am usig a replacemet attery I ought off amazo which eded up as ad as the origial attery.


Do you have ay other suggestios for the keyoard? Seems strage that may users have issues with the b and n keys. This makes me elieve it is ot the hardware keys.


Sorry for ot fillig i all the b and n keys i my writig which makes it more difficult to read ut is so tedious to do



HP Recommended


Hi @jeffak


I recommend you to perform a reset on the computer keeping your files. Follow the steps in the below article to perform a reset.




Let me know how it goes and you have a great day!


Take care.



I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

If you connect an external keyboard (borrowed from any "desktop" computer) to any USB port on your computer, do all the letters, all the SHIFT-plus-letter, CTRL-plus-letter, keys work?   If so, then I would suspect the laptop's keyboard.


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