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HP Recommended

Hi I have problem with my 4540s i can't play some games on my probook.

I installed Two Worlds 2 on my ProBook and it crash after loading screen, same as Risen 2.

I think problem is in switchable graphics it doesn't support Intel HD graphics and i found somewhere Radeon graphics card doesn't permit OpenGL if it is in dynamic mode and both games are not compatible with Intel graphics and both games need openGL, but probook can't switch to fixed mode.

If someone solved this problem please help me.


HP ProBook 4540s

Intel Pentium B970


AMD Radeon HD 7650M

Intel(R) HD Graphics


HP Recommended

you would have an option to configure switcahble graphics on your computer. In there, you will have an option to force the application to utilize only AMD graphics for the game.

I'm an HP Employee.The opinions expressed here are my personal opinions, not of HP.
Click on Thumbs up if my post helped you.Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking an answerAccept as Solutionif it solves your problem.

HP Recommended
I have similar problem.
Can HP enable fix mode for HP probook 4540s
Please upgrade bios

HP Recommended

We all have same problem. Please hp help us. Please enable FIXED MODE for Probook 4740s notebook

HP Recommended

I have, the same problem, but in this forum i can't find solutions to fix this s*

please somebody help!!!


HP Recommended

I have the same issue. I set programs to "high preformance" and nothing happens. intel hd4000 is the only thing seen  by programs. I run amd system monitor and i see ZERO activity on my radeon when using video intencive programs, the cpu heats up  fan kicks in high and ram usage gets heavy. this could only mean the intigrated card is being used after i told it not to. come on guys. this sucks. the only reason i got this laptop is because it had a decent 1gig grahics card that could handle outputting 720p quality above 30fps. my framerates suck. i can only output of ONE video output at a time vga or hdmi. with a gig video i should be able to use both even for just low res triple head graphics. this looks like a BIOS driver issue, please make an easy fix for this that doesnt require me to spend more money.

HP Recommended

HP Notebook PCs - Switchable Graphics on Notebooks Configured with Intel and ATI GPUs

Understanding Dynamic and Fixed Mode switchable graphics

Using Dynamic Mode switchable graphics with default settings

Changing Dynamic Mode switchable graphics default settings

Using Fixed Mode switchable graphics with default settings

Changing Fixed Mode switchable graphics default settings

This document contains information pertaining to specific HP notebook PCs configured with dual Intel and AMD graphics adapters.

Notebook computers with a switchable graphics feature have two graphics processing units (GPUs) - a power-saving, integrated GPU and a high-performance, discrete GPU. Computers with an Intel power-saving GPU and an ATI high-performance GPU combine the low power advantages of an integrated GPU with the maximum performance of a discrete GPU. Use this document to understand the difference between Dynamic and Fixed Mode switchable graphics and to learn how to use and configure switchable graphics on computers with dual Intel and ATI GPUs.

Understanding Dynamic and Fixed Mode switchable graphics

Depending on the model, HP computers with Intel and ATI switchable graphics will operate in one of two modes: Dynamic Mode or Fixed Mode . Earlier models supported Fixed Mode while later models support Dynamic Mode. Using the Fixed Mode drivers on a computer that supports Dynamic Mode will not work. Using Dynamic Mode drivers on a computer that supports Fixed Mode switchable graphics will not work. For the best performance in all configurations, keep your graphics drivers and software updated. See Obtaining Software and Drivers for more information.

You can determine whether your computer has Dynamic Mode or Fixed Mode switchable graphics by reviewing the available options on the Catalyst Control Center software switchable graphics screen. Read a section below for more information.

NOTE: Information and graphics contained in this document are current at publication. Your Catalyst Control Center Software graphics may be different due to differing versions of the software.

Dynamic Mode

Computers with Dynamic Mode switchable graphics switch between the integrated, or power-saving, GPU and the discrete, or high-performance, GPU based on application needs. Specific applications are configured using the Catalyst Control Center software. If the Switchable Graphics screen allows application level settings, your computer has Dynamic Mode switchable graphics.

See the Changing Dynamic Mode switchable graphics default settings section of this document for more information on accessing the Catalyst Control Center software.

Figure 1: Catalyst Control Center - Dynamic Mode Switchable Graphics configuration screen


NOTE: Dynamic Mode switchable graphics were introduced in HP computers because Dynamic Mode preserves maximum battery life and is configurable based on your preferences. Dynamic Mode enables the computer to use both the integrated and discrete graphics processors without restarting or resetting the display. Some computers with Dynamic Mode switchable graphics can be set to operate in Fixed Mode by selecting Fixed Mode in the BIOS settings. See the OpenGL Applications Cannot Be Configured to Use the Discrete GPU support document for more information on changing BIOS settings on supported models.

Fixed Mode

Computers with Fixed Mode switchable graphics allow switching between the power-saving GPU and the high-performance GPU based on power source (battery or AC Adapter) or manually using the Catalyst Control Center software. All applications use the selected GPU. If the Switchable Graphics screen allows selecting either the high-performance or power-saving GPU, your computer has Fixed Mode switchable graphics.

See the Changing Fixed Mode switchable graphics default settings section of this document for more information on accessing the Catalyst Control Center software.

Figure 2: Catalyst Control Center - Fixed Mode Switchable Graphics configuration screen



Using Dynamic Mode switchable graphics with default settings

By default, a computer with Dynamic Mode switchable graphics uses the integrated, or power-saving, GPU for most applications. The computer will automatically switch to the discrete, or high-performance, GPU when an application requires more performance. Customers can configure which applications require the high-performance GPU by selecting the application in the Catalyst Control Center software. When an application is configured to use the high-performance GPU, the computer switches graphics solutions when the application is started or closed.


Changing Dynamic Mode switchable graphics default settings

On computers with an Intel power-saving GPU and an ATI high-performance GPU, Dynamic Mode switchable graphics is configured using the Catalyst Control Center software. If you do not have this software, or if you previously uninstalled it, see Obtaining Software and Drivers to learn how get the latest version.

To maximize the energy efficiency or if you typically use programs that have lower graphical requirements (such as word processing or spreadsheet programs), you do not need to make any changes to the settings in the Catalyst Control Center software. The computer uses the power-saving GPU by default for most applications. You can still run high-performance programs, videos, and games in default mode but you are likely to notice lower frame rates, dropped frames, and choppy animations and transitions.

Applications that have higher graphical requirements (such as 3D video games), work better using the high-performance GPU. Graphics intensive software, videos, and games run at their optimum settings using the high-performance GPU.

CAUTION: Using the high-performance GPU on battery power will shorten the battery's effective usage time. The high-performance GPU generates a noticeable amount of heat while running graphics intensive software and, to keep the computer from overheating, the fan noise increases with increased fan use.

To change the default switchable graphics settings in the Catalyst Control Center software, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Start , type CCC in the Search field, and then select CCC from the search results list.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Power , and then click Switchable Graphics .

Figure 3: Catalyst Control Center - Welcome


  1. Select a Recent Application and click the green or red button to change the default graphic solution between power-saving and high-performance.

Or click Browse to find the executable file for the application you need to configure.

Figure 4: Catalyst Control Center - Dynamic Mode Switchable Graphics


  1. Click Apply to save the new settings.

The changes take place immediately.

Dynamic Mode switchable graphics: OpenGL applications cannot be configured to use the discrete GPU

When configuring the Dynamic Mode switchable graphics in the Catalyst Control Center, some computers do not permit any OpenGL applications to be associated with the discrete, or high-performance, GPU. The OpenGL applications will work using the integrated, or power-saving, GPU, but performance levels may be lower than expected. HP has released an updated BIOS and AMD Graphics driver to enable Fixed Mode switchable graphics functionality for certain models originally configured with Dynamic Mode switchable graphics.

To find more information about the OpenGL limitations and to obtain the updated BIOS and driver see OpenGL Applications Cannot Be Configured to Use the Discrete GPU .


Using Fixed Mode switchable graphics with default settings

A computer with Fixed Mode switchable graphics default settings automatically prompts to switch between the high-performance and power-saving GPU when the power source changes. Read one of the following sections for more information.

External power (AC adapter connected)

By default, a computer with Fixed Mode switchable graphics uses the discrete, or high-performance, GPU while on external power to more easily handle graphically intense activities such as watching an HD movie or playing a 3D video game. The high-performance GPU is also used for programs that have lower graphical requirements (such as word processing or spreadsheet programs).

If the power source changes during computer operation (you disconnect the AC adapter), the computer automatically displays a prompt to confirm switching from the high-performance GPU to the power-saving GPU.

Click the Change button to switch from the high-performance GPU to the power-saving GPU, or click the Cancel button to continue using the high-performance GPU.

CAUTION: Using the high-performance GPU on battery power will shorten the battery's effective usage time. The high-performance GPU generates a noticeable amount of heat while running graphics intensive software and, to keep the computer from overheating, the fan noise increases with increased fan use.

NOTE: It is normal for your screen to flicker or go blank for a few seconds when switching graphics processors.

Figure 5: Switchable Graphics change confirmation


Battery power (AC adapter disconnected)

By default, a computer with Fixed Mode switchable graphics on battery power uses the integrated, or power-saving, GPU to display all graphics, videos, and animations. This provides longer battery time, and the computer generates less heat. The high-performance GPU is turned off completely.

You can still run high-performance programs, videos, and games but you may notice lower frame rates, dropped frames, and choppy animations and transitions.

CAUTION: Running high-performance programs on battery power may shorten the battery's effective usage time.

If the power source changes during computer operation (you connect the AC adapter), the computer will automatically display a prompt to confirm switching from the power-saving GPU to the high-performance GPU.

Click the Change button to switch to the high-performance GPU or click the Cancel button to continue using the power-saving GPU.

NOTE: It is normal for your screen to flicker or go blank for a few seconds when switching graphics processors.

Figure 6: Switchable Graphics change confirmation



Changing Fixed Mode switchable graphics default settings

The default switchable graphics settings can be changed in the Catalyst Control Center software installed on your computer. If you do not have this software, or if you previously uninstalled it, see Obtaining Software and Drivers to learn how get the latest version.

Available options in the Catalyst Control Center software vary based on whether the computer is on external power (AC adapter connected) or on battery power (AC adapter disconnected). Read a section below for more information.

External power (AC adapter connected)

To change switchable graphics settings while on external power, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Start , type CCC in the Search field, and then select CCC from the search results list.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Power , and then click Switchable Graphics .

Figure 7: Catalyst Control Center - Welcome


  1. On the Switchable Graphics screen, click the Power-saving GPU button.

Figure 8: Catalyst Control Center - Fixed Mode Switchable Graphics


  1. When prompted, click the Change button.

NOTE: It is normal for your screen to flicker or go blank for a few seconds when switching graphics processors.

Figure 9: Switchable Graphics change confirmation


The Catalyst Control Center software screen will refresh to display fewer options in the navigation pane and the Power-saving GPU as the current active GPU.

Figure 10: Catalyst Control Center - Power-saving GPU options


  1. To disable automatic switching based on power source, uncheck the Automatically select power-saving GPU when on battery option, and then click the Apply button.

Figure 11: Catalyst Control Center - Disable automatic switching


  1. To reset the Catalyst Control Center back to default settings, click the Defaults button, and then click the Apply button.

Battery power (AC adapter disconnected)

To change switchable graphics settings while on battery power, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Start , type CCC in the Search field, and then select CCC from the search results list.
  2. On the Switchable Graphics screen, click the High-performance GPU button.

Figure 12: Catalyst Control Center - Switchable Graphics


  1. When prompted, click the Change button.

NOTE: It is normal for your screen to flicker or go blank for a few seconds when switching graphics processors.

Figure 13: Switchable Graphics change confirmation


The Catalyst Control Center software screen will refresh to display more options in the navigation pane and the High-performance GPU as the current active GPU.

CAUTION: Using the high-performance GPU on battery power will shorten the battery's effective usage time. The high-performance GPU generates a noticeable amount of heat while running graphics intensive programs and the fans will run more to keep the computer cool enough.

Figure 14: Catalyst Control Center - High-performance GPU options


  1. To disable automatic switching based on power source, uncheck the Automatically select power-saving GPU when on battery option, and then click the Apply button.

Figure 15: Catalyst Control Center - Disable automatic switching


  1. To reset the Catalyst Control Center back to default settings, click the Defaults button, and then click the Apply button.





HP Recommended

Hello guys,


For best experience with AMD switchable graphics on notebooks (Enduro, applicable to other notebook models and vendors), do not use the vendor-issued graphics drivers. They're often outdated, and are rarely updated. 


Switch to Leshcat UniFL instead, see http://leshcatlabs.net/category/unifl/


This is a community maintained driver release for AMD Enduro-based notebooks that packages the latest available drivers for both Intel HD GRaphics (Legacy & Modern) and AMD Graphics Catalyst package.


Instructions for installation available with the installer, straught forward.


For the best gaming experience, stick to Leshcat UniFL driver for now.


Vendors abandon new notebooks after about 6 months. After that, you will likely not receive any new driver updates from them. Leshcat, however, will provide updates as soon as AMD and Intel release generic driver installation packages.





HP Recommended

The bios in the OpenGL Applications Cannot Be Configured to Use the Discrete GPU   page does not support Probook series. Therefore we need an updated BIOS that can we can set to Fixed. I just updated my Bios today (03/13/16) and still no option

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