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HP Recommended

This procedure will help you collect the diagnostic logs from the printer. Please read through the full procedure before starting. If the FutureSmart screen is active please follow the “From the FutureSmart Ready Screen” instructions. If the control panel is displaying an error screen that can‘t be hid, and/or the control panel is not responsive, follow the “From the BIOS Screen” instructions.

From the FutureSmart Ready Screen

  1. The printer must be at a FutureSmart “Ready” state.
    1. Power cycle if needed.
  2. On the control panel, go to Administration è Troubleshooting èGenerate Debug Data è Start
  3. Put a USB thumb drive into the device USB slot
  4. On the control panel, go to Administration è Troubleshooting è Retrieve Diagnostic Data è Export to USB
  5. Send the .jdp file to your support center for analysis.


From the BIOS Screen


BIOS screen buttons


                                Back Button. Use this button to go back to the previous menu


                                Up Button. Use this button to move the highlighted item up one row.


                                Down Button. Use this button to move the highlighted item down one row.

OK           OK Button.   Use this button to execute the highlighted item.


  1. If the printer is on
    1. Turn off the printer by a short press on the power button.
      1. If the printer does not work, press the power button for 5 seconds. Wait for the light on the power button to turn off.
      2. If that does not work, remove power from the printer by removing the power cord from the printer. If you follow this option, the printer may turn on automatically when power is restored. Be prepared to break in if this happens.
    2. Insert a USB Thumb drive into the USB port of the printer
      1. Located on by the control panel or on the back by the LAN connection.
    3. Power on the printer with a short power button press. (Be ready to touch screen)
    4. Break into BIOS by tapping the “hp” logo that appears on the control panel.
      1. You must touch the “hp” logo when “1/8” appears on the screen. Note the underline.
        1. You can touch the control panel screen as many times as you want. It just needs the touch when the “1/8” appears.
      2. If it continues on to “2/8” or more, pull the power cord.
        1. After 5 seconds, restore the power cord and repeat the break in process.
        2. The unit will turn on by itself.
      3. Highlight 3:Administrator by using the Up and/or Down arrows
        1. Press OK
      4. Highlight B:System Triage by using the Up and/or Down arrows
        1. Press OK
      5. Highlight 1:Copy Logs
        1. Press OK
      6. Scowl down until the Accept/Download line is highlighted
        1. Press OK to cause the checkbox to be checked.
      7. Press the Back button 3 times to return to the main BIOS menu.
      8. Highlight 1:Continue
        1. Press OK
      9. After the screen displays Done, reboot device, reboot the printer by pressing the power button for at least 5 seconds.
      10. Remove the USB thumb drive and send the zip file stored in the HP Logs directory of the USB thumb drive to your support center for analysis.

You can pull them from EWS, logged as Administrator go to troubleshooting tab, then Diagnostic Data

Click Start on Generate debug data, then select “Create zipped debug information file” and uncheck the box of Clean up debug info.


I am an HP employee
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