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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
HP Recommended

I have a HP deskjet 3050 that would not connect wirelessly. After uninstalling and reinstalling, using bonjour, I was able to get my computer to recognize the printer and add it. My printer now says it is connected wirelessly, and the Network Test report has no problems found.


However, when I try to print it says: 

Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds...


^I should note that I had to add the printer manually, using the IP address. I tried to go to the EWS page for my printer and noticed the passphrase was incorrect. So I changed it to the proper one, clicked apply, and got the message" 
Printer is processing your request.

Caution: Network communication between the printer and network might be lost after saving your new settings. If you are not able to access to EWS, refresh the browser or access the EWS with the new network settings e.g. new IP address."

I got a message that my connection to my printer was lost from the HP utility. I clicked reconnect. Then I checked back on my advanced setting on the printer EWS page, and noticed that the passphrase went back to whatever it was before (the number of characters is too short to be my password). 


Meanwhile, my printing error is still there and the "network host" is still busy.


Add'l info: I am running on a MAC OS 10.6.8.

I recently got this error message as well: Some components installed on your computer were developed for another version of HP Utility. These components will not be loaded and some functionality related to your printer will not be accessible. Please click HP Support item on the toolbar to visit HP Online Support site and download the latest versions of HP software.


And I DO NOT HAVE my USB cord, so I need a wireless solution. I hope you can help, I've been on this for over 4 hours now! Let me know if you need any more info.

HP Recommended

Sorry to send you an email, but I also have the same problem with my printer as you had in 2011.
Can you show me what date were on the USB stick which solved the problem.

HP Recommended

Go to system perference than click printer/scanner icon,  click  "sharing perferences"  Computer Name has to match your personal computer name. Example : your imac "John Doe imac" has to match.

Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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