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I have an hp 8022 printer that will not print in color. I have unplugged it, restarted it, upgraded it, cleaned the print heads ran all diagnostic tests, put all new ink cartridges in it and double checked that it is marked print in color in settings. I am out of options. Any ideas. I have only had the printer 3 months.


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Welcome to HP support community.


Did you make a copy and check if that prints in color?

Which operating system is installed on the computer to which this printer is connected?



If that does not copy in color, follow the below steps:

Check the ink cartridge vents

  1. Open the front door, and then lift the ink cartridge access door.

    Opening the printer doors

  2. Wait until the carriage stops moving before you continue.

  3. Remove an ink cartridge from its slot.

  4. Examine the vent area above the HP logo on the top of the ink cartridge.

    Vent area on the top of the cartridge

  5. If the ink cartridge still has the orange pull-tab attached, pull to remove it.

    Remove the orange pull-tab

  6. If the vent is clogged, use a straight pin to gently remove excess adhesive from the vent.


      Clogged vent
    2. With a straight pin, gently remove excess adhesive from the vent

    3. Unclogged vent

  7. Turn the ink cartridge so that the ink cartridge contacts face downward, and then match the label color with the color dot on the carriage.

  8. Slide the ink cartridge into its slot, and then press down on the ink cartridge until it snaps into place.

    Inserting the ink cartridge

  9. Repeat these steps to inspect the vents on each of the ink cartridges.

  10. Make sure each ink cartridge is firmly installed in its slot. Run your finger along the top of the ink cartridges to feel for any that are protruding, and if any are, press down firmly until each ink cartridge snaps into place.

You can refer this HP document for more assistance:- Click here


I hope that helps.

To thank me for my efforts to help you, please mark my post as an accepted solution so that it benefits several others.


I am an HP Employee

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Hi community users!

The following video may be useful:



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I work on behalf of HP.
Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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